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  1. George I took little interest in Windsor Castle, preferring his other palaces at St James's, Hampton Court and Kensington. George II rarely used Windsor either, preferring Hampton Court. Many of the apartments in the Upper Ward were given out as "grace and favour" privileges for the use of prominent widows or other friends of the Crown.

  2. George Windsor, comte de St Andrews, né le 26 juin 1962 est le fils aîné du prince Edward, duc de Kent et de son épouse, Katharine, duchesse de Kent. Il est comte de St Andrews, l'un des titres subsidiaires de son père, qu'il détient comme héritier du duché de Kent.

  3. Allemande. modifier. La maison Windsor (en anglais : House of Windsor) est l'actuelle maison royale du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et des autres royaumes du Commonwealth . Elle est issue de la maison de Saxe-Cobourg et Gotha, une branche cadette de la maison de Wettin.

  4. Grundriss des Schlosses Luftbild von Windsor Castle – von links nach rechts: Unterer Hof (Lower Ward), Mittlerer Hof (Middle Ward) mit Motte und Rundturm (Round Tower), Oberer Hof (Upper Ward), oben links im Bild die Themse A: Runder Turm B: Oberer Hof (das „Viereck“) C: Staatsgemächer D: Private Gemächer E: Südflügel F: Unterer Hof G: St George’s Chapel H: Hufeisen-Kreuzgang ...

  5. St George's Chapel is the church at Windsor Castle in England. The chapel is governed by the Dean and Canons of Windsor and is found in the Lower Ward of the castle. The status of the Abbey is that of a Royal Peculiar. This means it is place of worship that falls directly under the jurisdiction of the British monarch, rather than under a bishop.

  6. 8 de nov. de 2020 · George Philip Nicholas Windsor was born on June 26, 1962. He is the eldest son of Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, and Katharine, Duchess of Kent. This means George Windsor’s father is the first cousin of Queen Elizabeth II. He is styled Earl of St Andrews, one of his father’s subsidiary titles, which he holds by courtesy as heir apparent to ...

  7. George Windsor. George Windsor dapat merujuk ke: Pangeran George dari Wales (lahir 2013), anak pertama William, Pangeran Wales. George Windsor, Earl of St Andrews (lahir 1962), cicit dari George V dari Britania Raya. Pangeran George, Adipati Kent (1902–1942), anak George V dari Britania Raya. George V dari Britania Raya (1865–1936), juga ...