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  1. Gerhard von Scharnhorst Gerhard Johann David von Scharnhorst (12 November 1755 – 28 June 1813) was a Hanoverian-born general in Prussian service from 1801. As the first Chief of the Prussian General Staff, he was noted for his military theories, his reforms of the Prussian army, and his leadership during the Napoleonic Wars .

  2. Gerhard von Scharnhorst erlitt während der Schlacht von Großgörschen am 02.05.1813 am linken Knie eine Schussverletzung an deren Folgen er wenige Wochen später in Prag sterben sollte. Noch am Tage der Schlacht verlieh der König dem Generalquartiermeister das Eiserne Kreuz.

  3. Szent Vlagyimir-rend. Order of Saint Anna, 1st class. Halál oka. üszkösödés. A Wikimédia Commons tartalmaz Gerhard von Scharnhorst témájú médiaállományokat. Gerhard Johann David von Scharnhorst ( Brodenau, 1756. november 12. – Prága, 1813. június 28.) porosz tábornok.

  4. 20 de jun. de 2013 · Gerhard von Scharnhorst – preußischer Heros, stiller Revolutionär, Patron der Bundeswehr. Ein Porträt zum 200. Todestag. Von Gerd Fesser

  5. The study focuses on the most important Prussian military reformer--Gerhard Johann David von Scharnhorst, who in 1801 founded the Militarische Gesellschaft (Military Society) in Berlin. The Gesellschaft became the focal point for the transformation of the Prussian army from a robotic war machine into a modern fighting force that was instrumental in defeating Napolean in 1813 and in 1815.

  6. Gerhard von Scharnhorst (1755-1813) is recognised for his tireless efforts rebuilding the shattered remnants of the Prussian army after the crushing defeat of Jena-Auerstedt (1806) and his mentorship of Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831) and credited as the father of modern military theory. Scharnhorst’s reputation is well deserved as one of the ...