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  1. Giles Gilbert Scott est le créateur des cabines téléphoniques rouges londoniennes. Ces icônes du design du XX e siècle [ 2 ] , emblématiques de la Grande-Bretagne au même titre que les bus rouges à impériale ou les taxis noirs, ont été dessinées par Giles Gilbert Scott en 1935 à l'occasion du jubilé du couronnement de George V [ 3 ] .

  2. Two of his sons George Gilbert Scott, Jr. (founder of Watts & Company in 1874) and John Oldrid Scott, and his grandson Giles Gilbert Scott, were also prominent architects. His third son, photographer, Albert Henry Scott (1844–65) died at the age of twenty-one; George Gilbert designed his funerary monument in St Peter's Church, Petersham , whilst he was living at The Manor House at Ham in ...

  3. 1945. Giles Gilbert Scott's Coventry Cathedral Design. By David Lewis, Independent Scholar and Curator. The opening of the 1945 Summer Exhibition roughly corresponded with VE Day, and the objects on display reflected the winding down of war. The Exhibition was dominated by portraits of military figures, and there were some factory views and ...

  4. 18 de may. de 2018 · Scott, Sir Giles Gilbert (1880–1960). English architect, one of the more eminent of the first half of C20. The son of ‘Middle’ Scott, he was articled to the latter's pupil, Temple Moore, and was profoundly affected by the work of both men. In his early twenties (1903) he won the second competition to design the Anglican Cathedral in ...

  5. Giles Gilbert Scott ist wahrscheinlich am besten bekannt für seine Arbeit an der Liverpool Cathedral. Als 1902 ein Architekturwettbewerb für „eine anglikanische Kathedrale des 20. Jahrhunderts“ ausgeschrieben wurde, begann Scott zuhause in Battersea während seiner Freizeit an den Bauplänen zu arbeiten.

  6. Originally published in AR October 1940, this piece was republished online in June 2015. These monthly articles are frankly about aesthetic questions. They are written in the belief that the rational and scientific basis of architecture has now been fully re-established by modern architects, and that matters of external appearance are therefore ...

  7. 11 de feb. de 2019 · After the death of Bodley in 1907, Giles Gilbert Scott redesigned Liverpool Cathedral, creating a revered Gothic structure. Consecrated in 1924, it was completed in 1978. Scott’s other works include buildings for Clare College, Cambridge, several Oxford University buildings, Cambridge University Library, English war memorials and the Waterloo Bridge over the River Thames in London.