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  1. Gustav Noske (* 9. Juli 1868 in Brandenburg an der Havel; † 30. November 1946 in Hannover) war ein deutscher Politiker der SPD. Er war von 1906 bis 1918 Mitglied des Reichstages, wo er als Experte für Militär-, Marine- und Kolonialfragen auftrat. Während der Novemberrevolution 1918 spielte er eine zentrale Rolle, er stellte sich an die ...

  2. Gustav Noske. Industrias Gráficas Seix & Barral, 1921 - Germany - 287 pages . Preview this book ...

  3. Gustav Noske. Polític alemany. Fill d’obrers, fou diputat socialista al Reichstag el 1906 i esdevingué l’especialista del seu partit en qüestions militars. Com a cap de les forces armades i d’acord amb la Reichswehr, reprimí la insurrecció dels mariners de Kiel (1918) i la revolta espartaquista de Berlín (1920).

  4. Noske served from 1920-33 as upper president of Hanover, after which he settled in Frankfurt/Main. His retirement was by no means peaceful however. Arrested in July 1944 in connection with the failed assassination attempt upon Hitler, he was only released from a Gestapo prison in Berlin with Russia's conquest of the city.

  5. Gustav Noske (9 July 1868 – 30 November 1946) was a German politician of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD). He served as the first Minister of Defence (Reichswehrminister) of the Weimar Republic between 1919 and 1920. Noske has been a controversial figure because, although he was a member of the socialist movement, he used army and paramilitary forces to bloodily suppress the ...

  6. Noske, Gustav. Gustav Noske was a Social Democratic politician and the first politician to be awarded with military responsibilities. His role as first Reichswehrminister (Reich minister of defense) during the revolution was controversial and ambivalent. He was known as a convinced German national social democrat with a ruthless attitude toward ...

  7. Gustav Noske est un homme politique allemand, né le 9 juillet 1868 à Brandebourg-sur-la-Havel ( royaume de Prusse) et mort le 30 novembre 1946 à Hanovre ( zone d'occupation britannique en Allemagne ). Membre du SPD, il est ministre de la Défense de 1919 à 1920. Il est notamment connu pour son rôle central dans l'écrasement de la révolte ...