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  1. Ulrich Zwingli, Heinrich Bullinger. Westminster John Knox Press, Jan 1, 1953 - Religion - 364 pages. Selections from the writings of Ulrich Zwingli and Heinrich Bullinger, two lesser-known church reformers, are contained in this volume. Also included is an account of the life, work, and theology of each of these Swiss reformers of the sixteenth ...

  2. Johann Heinrich Bullinger (1504-1575) Rev. Hélio de Oliveira Silva, MTh.1. Bullinger era filho de um sacerdote de paróquia. Enquanto estudava em Colônia, foi estimulado pelo estudo dos Pais da Igreja primitiva a fazer uma investigação das Escrituras. De volta a Zurique, uniu-se a Zuínglio no esforço de reformar a igreja (1527).

  3. Heinrich Bullinger ( Bremgarten ( Aargau ), 18 juli 1504 - Zürich, 17 september 1575) was een Zwitserse, protestantse theoloog en reformator. Hij was de opvolger van Huldrych Zwingli als hoofd van de kerk van de stad Zürich. Bullinger was een minder controversieel persoon dan bijvoorbeeld de meer bekende reformatoren als Johannes Calvijn en ...

  4. Heinrich Bullinger, “A Brief Exposition of the One and Eternal Testament or Covenant of God,” in Fountainhead of Federalism: Heinrich Bullinger and the Covenantal Tradition, by Charles S. McCoy and J. Wayne Baker (Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 1991), 99–138;

  5. Reforma Siglo XXI, Vol. 19, No. 1. La figura de Heinrich (Enrique) Bullinger es una de esas figuras de la historia de la Reforma casi olvidada actualmente incluso en su natal Zúrich y por los cristianos reformados de estos tiempos. Bullinger, sin duda, fue un gran hombre de Dios, cuya memoria y vida esperamos recordar en este aniversario de ...

  6. Heinrich Bullinger’s Early Life . Bullinger was a second generation Reformer. He was the fifth son born to Heinrich Bullinger senior and his wife Anna ( née Wiederkehr). Heinrich senior was a parish priest in the church at Bremgarten, a city in central Switzerland, when Heinrich junior was born in 1504.

  7. Title. The Decades of Henry Bullinger, Volumes 1-2. Literature of theology and church history: A basic library of British theological studies. Volume 35 of Parker Society publications. Volumes 7-10 of Publications (Parker Society (Great Britain))) Volumes 7-10 of Publications, Parker Society. The Decades of Henry Bullinger, Heinrich Bullinger.