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  1. Notice: Due to ongoing construction, 4 East is currently closed to the public.To obtain items located on 4 East, please place an online request for the item to be paged for you using the ‘Place Request’ button in the catalog.

  2. 2008 Highgrove Florilegium プリンス・チャリティー財団(英)に作品が収蔵される/ 世界各国で掲載作品展開催 2014 ASBA Weird & Wonderful ニューヨーク植物園 2015 シャーリー・シャーウッド・コレクションのボタニカルアーティストの作品から―彼女のコレクションの25年を祝う、ジョナサン・クーパー ...

  3. Addison Publications publishes the two royal Florilegia, the Highgrove Florilegium and the Transylvania Florilegium. As well as these first editions, there are limited edition facsimile copies of masterpieces, including such treasures as the Lindisfarne Gospels, Domesday and the Hunting Book of Gaston Pheobus.

  4. The watercolours were painted for the book The Highgrove Florilegium, a two-volume set of botanical prints depicting the plants, vegetables, fruit and trees grown in the garden at Highgrove. This publication is a culmination of seven years of work by 72 of the leading botanical artists and is accompanied by text compiled by botanists at the Natural History Museum and was published in 2008 and ...

  5. 25 de abr. de 2008 · Subscribe now Free for one month . Log in

  6. 英国チャールズ皇太子の植物図譜『The Highgrove Florilegium』に作品が掲載される(2009年)。 現在の一番大きなテーマは、ボルネオの熱帯雨林で取材した、ラフレシア、ネペンテスなどのアジアの熱帯雨林の植物を実物大で描くこと。

  7. The Highgrove Florilegium. The Highgrove Florilegium is the first British royal florilegium and features the work of 75 of the world’s renowned botanical artists. The exquisite first edition two-volume set is limited to 175 copies, very few of which remain unallocated, and feature a preface and personal signature from HRH The Prince of Wales.