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  1. 25 de ene. de 2014 · Scene from the marriage of Christian and Caroline, November 1766. It was at this point that Johann Struensee entered Danish history. Struensee was a German doctor who in the late 1760s was working as a public physician in Altona, near Hamburg. His pitiful income wasn’t enough to support his lifestyle expectations, so he had to supplement it ...

  2. Struensee, Johann Friedrich (1737–1772) in Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment Length: 1242 words. (1737–1772), Danish first minister and physician. Struensee was a bourgeois German physician from Halle who, after some time as the town physician in Altona in Holstein, became physician to King ...

  3. Karakteristik af Struensee og relation mellem kongen og Struensee Den tyske livslæge Johann Friedrich Struensees er hovedpersonen i Per Olov Enquists, livslægens besøg (1999) og tager udgangspunkt i Struensee og hans tid i det danske samfund i start 1770’erne. Romanen fremhæver mange af Struensees sider. Først og fremmest bliver han set som en faderfigur af kong Christian 7. og ...

  4. Proto-internet trolls’: Johann Friedrich Struensee and freedom of expression in 18th century Denmark The legacy of this Danish episode has been invigorated by the likes of Per Olov Enquist, in his 1999 novel Livläkarens Besök ( The Visit of the Royal Physician ), and Mads Mikkelsen, who portrayed the once de facto ruler in Nikolaj Arcel’s 2012 film En kongelig affære ( A Royal Affair ).

  5. Contele Johann Friedrich Struensee ( 5 august 1737 – 28 aprilie 1772) a fost medic german. A devenit medicul regal al regelui bolnav mintal Christian al VII-lea al Danemarcei și ministru în guvernul danez. Puterea lui a crescut până într-o poziție "de facto" de regent al țării, când a încercat să realizeze reforme pe scară largă.

  6. J.F. Struensee. Johann Friedrich Struensee var født i Tyskland. Han blev uddannet i Halle og fungerede derefter som læge i Altona. I 1768 blev Struensee læge for den mentalt syge Christian 7., og efter en rejse med kongen flyttede han til København. Kongens nye livlæge fik et fortroligt forhold til sin patient og blev en del af hoffet.

  7. 28 de abr. de 2009 · 1772: Johann Friedrich Struensee, the doctor who ran Denmark. The 1700s were a time of radical reform, and as the Enlightenment reached the shores of Denmark, it suddenly became possible to be a professed atheist and not lose your head. That is, of course, as long as you didn’t also try to usurp the crown, undermine the aristocracy, and ...