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  1. Hace 2 días · I first came across the Lutheran Johann Georg Hamann (1730-1788) in Gene Edward Veith’s Post-Christian. Hamann was what we call ‘a character.’ He was eccentric, but also remarkably witty and outlandish. Goethe said he was “the brightest mind of his day.” Hegel praised him as having a “penetrating genius.”

  2. Hace 5 días · Hamann, Johann Georg: Sokratische Denkwürdigkeiten. Aesthetica in nuce, 192 S., 5,40 Euro. In diesen beiden rhetorisch markanten Schriften aus den Jahren 1759 und 1762 verdeutlicht Hamann seine Kritik an1 reinen Vernunftvertrauen der Aufklärung.

  3. Hace 2 días · Isaiah Berlin 2 wrote that one of the most influential early Romantics, Johann Georg Hamann, was against (among many other things) everybody “who wished to prove … that creation was really the same as the obtaining of certain data ... and their rearrangement in certain pleasing patterns”—for Hamann “creation was a most ineffable, indescribable, unanalysable personal act, by which a ...

  4. Hace 1 día · Hay frases de Kant, el filósofo de Königsberg, ciudad de Prusia, hoy perteneciente a Rusia, que quedarán para siempre. En Letra Global hemos seleccionado veinte grandes reflexiones. [Alice Munro, la inmensa grandeza de lo doméstico] El sabio puede cambiar de opinión. El necio, nunca.

  5. Hace 1 día · As for the noun "esotericism", probably the first mention in German of Esoterismus appeared in a 1779 work by Johann Georg Hamann, and the use of Esoterik in 1790 by Johann Gottfried Eichhorn. But the word esoterisch had already existed at least since 1731-1736, as found in the works of Johann Jakob Brucker ; this author rejected everything that is characterized today as an "esoteric corpus".

  6. Hace 3 días · Der älteste der drei Brüder, Gotthelf Friedrich Jehmlich (1779–1827), erlernte das Orgelbauerhandwerk bei Johann Georg Hamann (1758–1835) in Constappel bei Meißen. Sein Bruder Johann Gotthold (1781–1862) ging bei Johann Christian Kayser in Dresden in die Lehre, wo er bis 1806 mit seinem Bruder Gotthelf Friedrich als Geselle blieb.

  7. Hace 2 días · The future engenders the past which then engenders the future so that the past can be posited in the first place. First, we must investigate how the future articulates the past. Reinhart Koselleck quotes Johann Georg Hamann: “Can one recognize that which is past if one does not even understand that which is present?