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  1. Definition. Johann Tetzel (l.c. 1465-1519) was a Dominican Friar who became famous as one of the most effective indulgence salesmen and who inadvertently inspired the Protestant Reformation when Martin Luther (l. 1483-1546) wrote his 95 Theses protesting the sale of indulgences generally and Tetzel’s methods specifically, thereby challenging the authority of the Catholic Church.

  2. Luther's agitation having frustrated further efforts to popularize the granted indulgence of eight years, Tetzel, deserted by the public, broken in spirit, wrecked in health, retired to his monastery at Leipzig in 1518. Here in the middle of January, 1519, he had to face the bitter reproaches and unjust incriminations of Carl von Meltitz.

  3. Giovanni Tetzel, entrato nell'ordine domenicano nel 1489, dopo aver compiuto gli studi teologici nella sua città natale, Lipsia in Sassonia, si distinse subito come brillante predicatore, divenne priore del convento di Glogau e dal 1509 inquisitore in Polonia . Nel 1516 l' arcivescovo di Magonza Alberto di Hohenzollern gli affidò l'incarico ...

  4. Johann Tetzel. Johann Tetzel, född 1465 i Pirna, hertigdömet Sachsen-Meissen, död 11 augusti 1519 i Leipzig, Tyskland, var en tysk dominikanermunk, som blev känd genom avlatshandel, och var en stor antagonist till Martin Luther .

  5. John Tetzel's End. With the wrath of the public aroused against him, Johann Tetzel was forced to retire to the to a monastery at Leipzig. It was at that time that Carl von Meltitz wrote up numerous accusations against him, further scandalizing his already damaged reputation. (Meltitz has since been discredited, and no one trusts anything he wrote.)

  6. Juan Tetzel. “Tan pronto como la moneda suena en el cofre, el alma salta del purgatorio”. Así era el discurso de propaganda del monje dominico Johann Tetzel, quien vendía a domicilio el perdón de pecados como un charlatán de ferias. Tetzel nació en el año 1465 en Sajonia, Alemania, y se unió a la orden de los monjes dominicos en 1489.

  7. Johann Tetzel. Johann Tetzel, O.P. (1465–11 Agustus 1519) adalah seorang pengkhotbah dan frater Katolik Roma asal Jerman. Selain itu, ia adalah seorang inkuisitor bidah untuk Polandia, dan kemudian menjadi komisaris indulgensi di Jerman. Tetzel konon dikenal karena mengkhotbahkan pemberian indulgensi dengan imbalan uang, yang memungkinkan ...