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  1. Hace 3 horas · Decía Joseph Goebbels que cualquier intoxicación debe basarse en información cierta. La CIA tiene una larga tradición de apoyo a la industria de Hollywood . Han negado haber colaborado, pero ...

  2. Hace 3 horas · The Nazi propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, among the most aggressive anti-Church Nazis, wrote that there was "an insoluble opposition between the Christian and a heroic-German world view". Hitler's Propaganda Minister, Joseph Goebbels, saw an "insoluble opposition" between the Christian and Nazi world views.

  3. Hace 3 horas · Lost Places: Zu diesem Anlass schenkte Berlin Goebbels die Villa. Zunächst zur Historie des Areals: Im Jahr 1919 ging das gut 500 Hektar große Gelände in der brandenburgischen Gemeinde Wandlitz in den Besitz der Stadt Berlin über. Diese schenkte das Anwesen Jahre später, 1936, Nazi-Funktionär Goebbels zu seinem 39. Geburtstag.

  4. Hace 1 día · Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda, Germany, 1933-1945 What happens when we apply that statement to Donald J. Trump’s 2:30-in-the-morning announcement that he had actually won reelection as President of the United States that night in November 2020 when he actually led when a small percentage of votes cast nationally had been counted.

  5. Hace 3 horas · Beginning with the ‘emotional brain,’ as advanced by Antonio Damasio and Joseph LeDoux , promoting teaching with feeling (Zembylas 2005), the phenomenology of ‘lived experience’ in the classroom is explored through countless qualitative research that held the ground in the 1990s and well into the first decade of the twenty-first century.

  6. Hace 1 día · Führer HQ (April 16, 1945) Der Führer hat an die Soldaten der Ostfront folgenden Tagesbefehl erlassen: Soldaten der deutschen Ostfront! Zum letzten Male ist der jüdisch-bolschewistische Todfeind mit seinen Massen zum …

  7. Hace 1 día · Milei queria lançar seu livro sobre “o fim da inflação”. Sem o patrocínio do banco nacional, Vaccaro se sentiu a vontade para recusar a presença de Milei. Na abertura da Feira Nacional do ...

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