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  1. 1 de dic. de 2011 · Judy Lewis was Hollywood royalty for 31 years without ever knowing it. The former actress, who died of lymphoma on Nov. 25 at 76 years old, was the center of one of the most famous pregnancy cover ...

  2. 1 de dic. de 2011 · Judy Lewis, now 75, went on to have a respectable acting career, mostly in daytime TV, and later became a psychotherapist. Young also had two sons with producer Tom Lewis.

  3. Judy Lewis und ihre Mutter Loretta Young an Bord des Kreuzfahrtschiffes Pacific Princess in Kalifornien um 1978 | Quelle: Getty Images Der Vater von Clark James war John Clark Gable, der seinen berühmten Vater nie traf, da er im März 1961, nur vier Monate nach Gables Tod, geboren wurde.

  4. 1 de dic. de 2011 · Venerdì scorso è morta Judy Lewis, lo ha annunciato la figlia Maria Tinney Dagit. L'attrice è scomparsa all'età di 76 anni a Gladwyne, in Pasadena, a causa di un tumore. La sua storia è stata ...

  5. 1 de dic. de 2011 · Judy Lewis, psychotherapist, writer and actress has died at 76. Lewis was brought up as an adopted child by Oscar winning actress Loretta Young; in reality she was Young's natural child, and actor ...

  6. 3 de oct. de 2021 · Clark Gable était peut-être considéré comme le roi d'Hollywood, mais pour sa fille Judy Lewis, il était parti avec le vent car il ne l'a jamais reconnue. La mère de Lewis n'a pas rendu les choses plus faciles. La vie de Judy Lewis était si unique, qu'elle pourrait facilement ressembler à un roman policier, impliquant l'acteur de "Autant ...

  7. 2 de dic. de 2011 · 02/12/2011 às 9h26 - Por Redação SRzd. A filha ilegítima de Clark Gable e Loretta Young, Judy Lewis, morreu aos 76 anos, vítima de câncer, na Pensilvânia. A informação foi confirmada por sua filha, Maria Tinney Dagit. Ela foi atriz da Broadway durante duas décadas. O ator nunca assumiu a paternidade dela, apesar da grande semelhança ...