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  1. Medieval Greek (also known as Byzantine Greek): the continuation of Koine Greek up to the demise of the Byzantine Empire in the 15th century. Medieval Greek is a cover phrase for a whole continuum of different speech and writing styles, ranging from vernacular continuations of spoken Koine that were already approaching Modern Greek in many respects, to highly learned forms imitating classical ...

  2. Koine, the fairly uniform Hellenistic Greek spoken and written from the 4th century bc until the time of the Byzantine emperor Justinian (mid-6th century ad) in Greece, Macedonia, and the parts of Africa and the Middle East that had come under the influence or control of Greeks or of Hellenized rulers. Based chiefly on the Attic dialect, the ...

  3. Para el dialecto koiné del griego clásico, véase Koiné. Se denomina lengua koiné o simplemente koiné a una lengua que es el resultado de un proceso sociolingüístico en el que una sociedad con hablantes de diversas variedades lingüísticas mutuamente inteligibles (muchas veces variedades del mismo idioma) acaba por formar un nuevo ...

  4. A Comprehensive grammar of Hellenistic and Early Roman Greek A major research project by Rachel Aubrey and Michael Aubrey. Preliminaries 0. Introduction: The approach of this grammar 0.1 The intended audience 0.1.1 Translators 0.1.2 Linguists 0.2 Greek grammars & linguistic adequacy 0.3 The theoretical perspective 0.3.1 Cognitive The rejection of classical categories Language ...

  5. Attic Greek was spoken in Athens, the largest city, and the rest of the region of Attica. It was thought to be the purest form of Greek. Later, in the educated Roman world, children were taught Greek as a second language, just as many people now learn English as their second language. Koine Greek was the common language

  6. › wiki › KoinèKoinè - Wikipedia

    Het Koinè stamde van het Attisch af, een van de Oudgriekse dialecten, en het verschilde hier weinig van. Door de hegemonie in de 5e eeuw v.Chr. van het oude Athene in het Griekenland van toen, maar ook door de invloed van een groot aantal schrijvers uit Athene uit de 5e en 4e eeuw v.Chr. was het Attisch het belangrijkste dialect.

  7. › semantics › externalKoine Greek - Wikipedia

    The Koine Greek in the table represents a reconstruction of New Testament Koine Greek, deriving to some degree from the dialect spoken in Judea and Galilee during the first century and similar to the dialect spoken in Alexandria, Egypt. The realizations of certain phonemes differ from the more standard Attic dialect of Koine. [citation needed]