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  1. Hace 8 horas · 總統賴清德昨宣誓就職,立法院上周五為了國會改革法案,朝野立委打群架,還有立委送醫,國外媒體都爭相報導,藍綠立委互控對方,害台灣丟臉 ...

  2. Hace 8 horas · The United States and the American people send our support as you embark on this journey.”. 美國眾議員、國會及行政部門中國委員會主席、眾議院外交委員會高級委員克里斯·史密斯(新澤西州共和黨)就新總統和副總統就職發表以下聲明: 「恭喜賴清德和蕭美琴就任中華民國 ...

  3. Hace 8 horas · May 21, 2024. Sir, The recent extreme weather events, such as the unprecedented thunderstorms and heavy rains in the United Arab Emirates, serve as stark reminders of the urgent need to address climate change. The increase in global temperatures, coupled with rising sea levels, is exacerbating the frequency and intensity of such disasters.

  4. Hace 8 horas · 凌濤今日透過臉書發文提到,長期最挺台灣的美國國會眾議員史密斯,為現任「美國國會 及行政當局中國委員會」主席,在他辦公室最新發布的祝賀賴清德就任新聞稿中,明確指 出民進黨立法委員阻撓國會改革。. 若翻開史密斯的祝賀詞,可看到他在文中倒 ...

  5. Hace 8 horas · 美國國會【現任眾議員】Chris Smith 明確指出民進黨立法委員阻撓國會改革。 - Juliance wrote:民進黨會說 ,因為他是中共同路人 ,所以自然會幫中共說話依照往例影武者不會出面...(台灣新聞 第2頁)

  6. Hace 8 horas · Korea recorded a $3.9 billion tourism deficit, according to the Bank of Korea’s Economic Statistics System. This is the second largest tourism deficit after the third quarter of 2018, which saw $4.17 billion in losses. Even the services trade, which makes up the majority of travel imports, has been in the red for 23 months straight.

  7. Hace 8 horas · A new California law declares that disparate racial impact in sentencing rates of convicts, regardless of the felon's individual criminal history, is prima facie proof of systemic racism and justification for a reduced sentence for black criminals. From City Journal: California’s Looming Crime Catastrophe Heather Mac Donald Recent legislation makes it easier for felons to claim racial bias ...