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  1. Hace 15 horas · Lady Marina Windsor, princesse de la mer People Lavelle People Sunday 28th April 2024 04:48 AM Arrière-petite-fille de George V, elle porte le prénom de sa sublime grand-mère, Marina de Grèce, duchesse de Kent.

  2. Hace 15 horas · Great-granddaughter of George V, she bears the first name of her sublime grandmother, Marina of Greece, Duchess of Kent. Passionate about ecology, Lady Marina Windsor decided to devote herself to saving the oceans. “It is such a privilege to travel and be able to see beautiful places in the world and how great this planet… Continue reading Lady Marina Windsor,...

  3. Hace 15 horas · Early life. Born on 28 April 1964, Lady Helen is the second child of the Duke and Duchess of Kent. She has one older brother, George Windsor, Earl of St Andrews, and a younger brother, Lord ...

  4. Hace 15 horas · Charlotte, il soprannome dei compagni di scuola è dolcissimo, e lei lo adora: «Ricorda la regina Elisabetta» I compagni di scuola la chiamano da sempre così con l'approvazione della piccola di ...

  5. Hace 15 horas · 16:20 Cardona bringing her on. 18:00 Going back to Australia. 19:00 Facing other TALL GIRLS

  6. Hace 15 horas · George Malcolm (1917–1997), Pianist, Cembalist, Dirigent und Komponist. Arthur Thomas Malkin (1803–1888), Pionier der Bergsteigerei und Schriftsteller. James Mallet (* 1955), Evolutionsbiologe und Entomologe. Mark Malloch Brown, Baron Malloch-Brown (* 1953), Politiker und stellvertretender Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen.