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  1. 7 de abr. de 2016 · Lord Palmerston. Viscount Palmerston was over 70 when he finally became Prime Minister: the most advanced age at which anyone has ever become Prime Minister for the first time. Holding a large number of offices during the course of his career, he served in government for 46 years: a record in the modern period.

  2. Lord Palmerston, qui a toujours eu des prétentions littéraires, est devenu depuis une quinzaine d’années un de ces grands seigneurs-Mécènes qui sont en Angleterre les protecteurs des beaux-arts. Son hôtel a sa galerie, comme doit l’avoir outre-Manche toute noble et grande maison. C’est que l’illustre lord, dont la fortune était ...

  3. › wiki › Henry_TempleHenry Temple - Wikipedia

    Henry John Temple, al 3-lea viconte Palmerston (n. 20 octombrie 1784, Broadlands ⁠(d), Anglia, Regatul Unit – d. 18 octombrie 1865, Brocket Hall ⁠(d), Anglia, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii și Irlandei) a fost un politician britanic. A fost prim ministru al Marii Britanii între 1855-1858 și 1859-1865, fiind cunoscut sub numele de Lord ...

  4. Palmerston, ministro de asuntos exteriores. En 1830, después de que la oposición de Wellington a introducir cualquier reforma parlamentaria provocara la caída de su gobierno, Palmerston fue nombrado ministro de asuntos exteriores del gabinete de coalición liberal-progresista presidido por lord Grey.

  5. Henry John Temple, 3. Viscount Palmerston (20. Oktober 1784 – 18. Oktober 1865) war der Muggel-Premierminister vom 6. Februar 1855 bis 19. Februar 1858 und erneut vom 12. Juni 1859 bis 18. Oktober 1865. Die Zaubereiministerin Priscilla Dupont, entwickelte einen irrationalen Widerwillen gegen ihn. Dies erlangte solche Ausmaße, dass es damit endete, dass sie am 17. Februar 1858 gezwungen ...

  6. 这句话经常被人拿来为自己不讲道义、唯利是图的行为辩护,但这句话实际上来自英国十九世纪的政治家巴麦尊勋爵(Lord Palmerston)在英国议会上的一次讲话片段,他的原话是对在座的英国议员们说的:“ 我们没有永远的盟友,也没有永远的敌人,但英国的利益 ...

  7. He was elected in 1807 for a pocket borough in the Isle of Wight and subsequently represented Cambridge University 1811–31, Bletchingley 1831–2, Hampshire South 1832–4, and Tiverton 1835–65. Palmerston was perhaps the most famous foreign secretary of the 19th cent. He began his long career as a lord of Admiralty 1807–9 and then served ...