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  1. Escudo de armas de los papas Médici, León X, Clemente VII, Pío IV y León XI. Miembros de la familia Médici en un fresco pintado por Benozzo Gozzoli en 1461.. Los Médici (pron. esp. médichi) fueron una poderosa e influyente familia del Renacimiento en Florencia entre cuyos miembros se destacaron cuatro papas: León X, Clemente VII, Pío IV y León XI; dos reinas de Francia: Catalina de ...

  2. A Medicean Itinerary: History of the Medici through the Uffizi’s Masterpieces. The Uffizi Gallery is a creation of the Medici family: we owe the construction of the building to Cosimo I in 1560, the creation of the museum to his son Francesco I in 1581 and to the last of the Medici, Anna Maria Luisa, the eternal inheritance of its contents to the Florentine state in 1737.

  3. 13 de mar. de 2019 · Lorenzo de’ Medici died at the Villa Medici at Careggi, on April 8, 1492, reportedly dying peacefully after hearing the day’s Scripture readings. He was buried in the Church of San Lorenzo, alongside his brother Giuliano.

  4. 28 de nov. de 2019 · Anna Maria Luisa de’ Medici, the last of her line, never had a child, but she did have a tiny replica of one. Her plump-cheeked baby is still on display in the Palazzo Pitti in Florence. Its sleeping face is carved from pearl, and it slumbers under a rumpled blanket formed from a lumpy pearl. Who’s looking after the baby?

  5. Luisa de' Medici (1477–1488), also called Luigia, was betrothed to Giovanni de' Medici il Popolano, but died young Contessina Antonia Romola de' Medici (1478–1515), [36] born in Pistoia , married Piero Ridolfi (1467–1525) in 1494 and had five children, including Cardinal Niccolò Ridolfi

  6. Pero lo realmente importante es que Ana María Luisa de Medici fue el último miembro de esta importante e influyente familia italiana. Nació el 11 de julio de 1667 en Florencia y en 1691 se casó con el príncipe elector del condado palatino del Rin, Juan Guillermo.

  7. Lucrezia de' Medici. Lucrezia Maria Romola de' Medici (4 August 1470 – between 10 and 15 November 1553) was an Italian noblewoman, the eldest daughter of Lorenzo de' Medici and Clarice Orsini and mother of Maria Salviati and Giovanni Salviati. Read more on Wikipedia. Since 2007, the English Wikipedia page of Lucrezia de' Medici has received ...