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  1. In 1809, Mary Anne Clarke served as a key player in an investigation against her former lover, the Duke of York. She testified before the House of Commons that the Duke, Commander-in-Chief of the British Army, did not provide her with enough financial support and allowed her to accept bribes for commissions in the army. Her confession rocked early nineteenth-century Britain, and the scandal ...

  2. Nata Mary Anne Thompson , divenne l'amante del Duca nel 1803 quando era comandante in capo dell'esercito britannico. Nel 1809 scoppiò uno scandalo nazionale quando si scoprì che aveva venduto commissioni militari. Il duca è costretto a dimettersi, ma in seguito viene esonerato dalla responsabilità. MA Clarke è stata citata in giudizio per ...

  3. 28 de mar. de 2012 · A novel, quite openly based on actual historical records relating to Miss du Maurier's great, great grandmother, Mary Anne Clarke. It is made to order material for a colorful period novel, a sort of feminine rake's progress, in which the reader's sympathies are patently enlisted on the side of Mary Anne despite her record. From an insecure slum childhood, when she had to trick her elders in ...

  4. 27 de mar. de 2022 · This portrait. Mary Anne Clarke is best remembered for her central role in the 1809 scandal involving the sale of army commissions which forced the Duke of York's resignation as army commander-in-chief. In this miniature on ivory she appears as the Duke's mistress and her shapely form and pale skin are shown to advantage by a thin muslin gown.

  5. 13 de ago. de 2016 · 13 août 2016. Avec ce roman, Daphné du Maurier nous entraîne une nouvelle fois dans son passé familial. Elle narre ici la vie de son ancêtre Mary Anne Mackenzie qui par son intelligence, sa force de caractère et sa beauté va se hisser dans les plus hautes sphères de la société londonienne.

  6. Mary Anne Clarke Mary Anne Clarke often appears on the Poetry Society’s Young Poets’ Network, and has won their Cape Farewell and Edith Sitwell prizes. She has been commended for the Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award, Ledbury and Basil Bunting awards, and longlisted for the Christopher Tower Prize.

  7. 30 de oct. de 2022 · Mary Anne Thompson was born in London on 3 April 1776, the daughter of a tradesman. Before she was 18, she married a stonemason called Clarke. Shortly after they married, he became bankrupt and she left him but was pregnant and gave birth to Ellen.