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  1. 10 de mayo: en el estado Falcón, Venezuela, ocurre la insurrección de José Leonardo Chirino. 22 de julio: España y Francia firman el Tratado de Basilea. 4 de octubre: en París ocurre la Insurrección realista del 13 vendimiario del año IV. 27 de octubre: Estados Unidos y España firman el tratado de San Lorenzo, que establece las ...

  2. Historians use the term early modern to refer to the period beginning in approximately 1500 AD and lasting until around 1800. The Nihil novi act adopted by the Polish diet in 1505 transferred legislative power from the king to the diet. This event marked the beginning of the period known as the "Nobles' Democracy" ( Polish: Demokracja ...

  3. The History of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth (1764–1795) is concerned with the final decades of existence of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.The period, during which the declining state pursued wide-ranging reforms and was subjected to three partitions by the neighboring powers, coincides with the election and reign of the federation's last king, Stanisław August Poniatowski.

  4. › wiki › 17951795 - Wikipedia

    Portretul surorilor Frankland de John Hoppner, 1795. 19 ianuarie: Este proclamată Republica Batavă, nume dat Olandei după ce a fost cucerită de Franța (până în 1806). 6 aprilie: Apare prima carte românească de matematică, "Aritmetica", tipărită în Moldova și datorată episcopului de Hotin, Amfilohie. 7 aprilie: Franța adoptă ...

  5. Role and function Deputy Jean-Baptiste Desmolin from Gers in official uniform of member of the Council of Five Hundred (portrait by Laneuville). The Council of Five Hundred was established under the Constitution of Year III which was adopted by a referendum on 24 September 1795, and constituted after the first elections which were held from 12–21 October 1795.

  6. From 1795 to 1918, Poland was split between Prussia, the Habsburg monarchy, and Russia and had no independent existence. In 1795 the third and the last of the three 18th-century partitions of Poland ended the existence of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. Nevertheless, events both within and outside the Polish lands kept hopes for ...

  7. Events. The Great Fire at Gammel Strand. 5 June – The Copenhagen Fire of 1795 breaks out around 3 p.m. at the Navy’s old base at Gammelholm. 7 June – The fire dies out around 4 p.m. It has destroyed 941 houses and made homeless around 6,000 residents.