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  1. Otto Weininger (Viena, 3 de abril de 1880 – ibídem, 4 de octubre de 1903) fue un filósofo austríaco.. Citas [editar] «El hombre puede serlo todo, animal, planta o mujer (los afeminados), pero la mujer no puede ser hombre nunca».

  2. O tto Weininger's extraordinary life culminated in the publication of his timeless work Sex and Character. Soon after the publication he went to Italy to await results. There appeared to be none, and during the next four months an intellectual malady, described by his friends as "a too grave sense of responsibility," became acute. On October 4 ...

  3. Otto Weininger's book on sexuality and gender appeared in Vienna in May 1903. His suicide a few months later, in the house where Beethoven died, drew attention to the author and his book, and twenty-five reprintings appeared in German over the next twenty-two years.

  4. Otto Weininger (3. dubna 1880, Vídeň, Rakousko-Uhersko – 4. října 1903, Vídeň) byl rakouský filosof a spisovatel židovského původu. V roce 1903 vydal knihu Pohlaví a charakter ( Geschlecht und Charakter ), která získala popularitu po jeho sebevraždě ve věku 23 let.

  5. 24 de jun. de 2006 · Weininger was a mercurial figure whose opinions, as expressed in Sex and Character, were admired and loathed by contemporaries and future readers of his work. Sex and Character contains many racist and misogynist views, yet, as Sengoopta is quick to point out in Otto Weininger, this does not disqualify Weininger's work from serious scholarly ...

  6. Otto Weininger, né le 3 avril 1880 à Vienne et mort le 4 octobre 1903 dans la même ville, est un philosophe et écrivain autrichien.En 1903, il publie Geschlecht und Charakter (de) (Sexe et Caractère), livre qui devient populaire après son suicide à l'âge de 23 ans. De nos jours, cet ouvrage est considéré comme sexiste et antisémite et a régulièrement servi depuis de référence à ...

  7. 25 de sept. de 2005 · Frente a un personaje como Otto Weininger uno no sabe si sentir la mayor de las repugnancias o la más profunda de las penas. Es cierto que fue antisemita, racista –sus ataques no se limitaban a judíos, sino que también alcanzaban a chinos, a negros e incluso a ingleses–, misógino, homófobo, precursor del pensamiento nazi; pero al mismo tiempo Weininger fue un alma atormentada por sus ...