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  1. Carrera. Rebelión de Simba. Ideología y maoísmo. Vida privada. Referencias. Fuentes. Pierre Mulele (11 de agosto de 1929, Isulu-Matende – 3 de octubre de 1968) 1 fue un activo rebelde congoleño de la Rebelión de Simba de 1964. También había sido ministro de Educación en el gabinete de Patrice Lumumba.

    • Congoleña
  2. Simba rebellion. Pierre Mulele (11 August 1929 – 3 or 9 October 1968) was a Congolese rebel active in the Simba rebellion of 1964. Mulele had also been minister of education in Patrice Lumumba 's cabinet. With the assassination of Lumumba in January 1961 and the arrest of his recognised deputy Antoine Gizenga one year later, Mulele ...

    • Eulalie, Ghislaine
    • Torture ordered by Mobutu
    • Guerrilla fighter
    • Congolese
  3. 6 de ago. de 2018 · Pierre Mulele was one of the founders of the Parti Solidaire Africain (PSA), established in 1959, and served as the Minister of National Education for the Lumumba government from July 1961. He was violently murdered after being tortured by the Congolese Army in October 1968.

    • Emery M. Kalema
    • 2018
  4. Autor. Español. Este artículo analiza las distintas formas de «dar la muerte» practicadas durante la rebelión simba encabezada por Pierre Mulele en la República Democrática del Congo (1963-1968), así como la política que hay detrás de ellas, tal y como recuerdan algunos supervivientes.

  5. Resumir este artículo para un niño de 10 años. MOSTRAR TODAS LAS PREGUNTAS. Pierre Mulele (11 de agosto de 1929, Isulu-Matende – 3 de octubre de 1968) fue un activo rebelde congoleño de la Rebelión de Simba de 1964. También había sido ministro de Educación en el gabinete de Patrice Lumumba.

  6. The Mulele rebellion, which took place from 1963 to 1968 in the Kwilu region of the Congo during the Cold War era, holds immense historical importance. Led by Pierre Mulele, the rebellion aimed to free the Congolese state from perceived Belgian neo-colonial domination, resulting in widespread violence and loss of life.

  7. 22 de oct. de 2021 · 1From 1963 to 1968 , Pierre Mulele, who served as Minister of National Education in the Lumumba government from July 1960, and his companions led a guerrilla war in the Kwilu region, which lies about 500 kilometres east of Léopoldville (Kinshasa) and had approximately one and a half million inhabitants at the time, with the aim of ...