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  1. Hace 6 días · By Chandler Tregaskes. 19 April 2024. On her wedding day to Prince Maximillian of Liechtenstein, 2000 Stephen Chernin / AP / Shutterstock. Born in 1958 in Bocas del Toro, a province in Panama, Princess Angela of Leichtenstein is an effortlessly stylish European royal.

  2. Hace 5 días · In a turreted castle on the Adriatic coast, the delegates — many of them Europhile bankers and industrialists — offered the crown of Mexico to Maximilian, a Hapsburg prince, and his wife,...

  3. 7 de abr. de 2024 · Vida de Maximiliano I. Maximiliano de Habsburgo nació en el Palacio de Schonbrunn, muy cerca de Viena, el día 6 de julio de 1832, siendo el segundo hijo (luego de Francisco José) de la pareja real conformada por Francisco Carlos de Austria y Sofía de Baviera y siendo su nombre completo Fernando Maximiliano José María de Habsburgo-Lorena.

  4. 16 de abr. de 2024 · Maximilian, prince zu Wied-Neuwied was a German aristocratic naturalist, ethnographer, and explorer whose observations on a trip to the American West in the 1830s provide valuable information about the Plains Indians at that time. Maximilian was the prince of the small state of Neuwied and served.

  5. 18 de abr. de 2024 · In the course of these events, Bavaria became once again the ally of France, and Maximilian IV Joseph became King Maximilian I of Bavaria—whilst remaining Prince-Elector and Arch-steward of the Holy Roman Empire until 6 August 1806, when the Holy Roman Empire was abolished.

  6. Hace 1 día · Meghan, Duchess of Sussex's fitted wedding dress from her 2018 nuptials to Prince Harry was inspired by fellow royal Princess Angela of Liechtenstein's gown from her 2000 wedding to Prince Maximilian

  7. Hace 5 días · Ferdinand Maximilien de Habsbourg-Lorraine, né le 6 juillet 1832 à Vienne et mort fusillé le 19 juin 1867 au Cerro de las Campanas à Santiago de Querétaro ( Mexique ), est un archiduc d' Autriche, prince royal de Hongrie et de Bohême, devenu empereur du Mexique sous le nom de Maximilien Ier en 1864.