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  1. 1270: HRE Prince of the Empire 1536: To Bern: Lausanne: Imperial City Swab SW 1434: Formed 1536: To Bern: Lavant (St. Andra) Prince-Bishopric Aust n/a 1228: Formed 15th Century: HRE Prince of the Empire; no secular territory Originally represented in the Austrian Circle Leas County n/a n/a 1529: Formed 1597: became an unlanded title Leiningen ...

  2. (3) Laid the legal groundwork for two co-existing religious confessions (Catholicism and Lutheranism) in the German-speaking states of the Holy Roman Empire. The Peace of Augsburg ( German : Augsburger Frieden ), also called the Augsburg Settlement , [1] was a treaty between Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor , and the Schmalkaldic League , signed on 25 September 1555 in the German city of Augsburg .

  3. The Holy Roman Empire was a highly decentralized state for most of its history, composed of hundreds of smaller states, most of which operated with some degree of independent sovereignty. Although in the earlier part of the Middle Ages, under the Salian and Hohenstaufen emperors, it was relatively centralized, as time went on the Emperor lost more and more power to the Princes.

  4. List of states in the Holy Roman Empire. This list of states in the Holy Roman Empire includes any territory ruled by an authority that had been granted imperial immediacy, as well as many other feudal entities such as lordships, sous-fiefs, and allodial fiefs. The Holy Roman Empire was a complex political entity that existed in central Europe ...

  5. The Holy Roman Empire ( Latin: Sacrum Imperium Romanum; German: Heiliges Römisches Reich ), occasionally but unofficially referred to as the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, [7] was a polity in Western and Central Europe under the rule of an Emperor, who was elected by the princes and the magistrates of its regions and cities.

  6. The German Question, concerning the possibility of German unification; eventually resulting in the formation of the German Empire. The dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire occurred de facto on 6 August 1806, when the last Holy Roman Emperor, Francis II of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine, abdicated his title and released all Imperial states and ...

  7. Not all states met all three requirements, so one may distinguish between effective and honorary princes of the Holy Roman Empire. The Princes of the Empire ranked below the seven Prince-electors designated by the Golden Bull of 1356 (and later electors), but above the Reichsgrafen (Counts), Freiherren (barons) and Imperial prelates, who formed with them the Imperial Diet assemblies, but held ...