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  1. Harley, Robert (1661-1724). Conde de Oxford, hombre de Estado inglés, nacido en 1661 y muerto en 1724. Fue ministro de la reina Ana; destruyó la influencia de los Marlborough y de los Godolphin en 1710; creó las loterías reales para llenar el tesoro de la reina, y negoció el Tratado de Utrecht en 1713.

  2. 1 de feb. de 2006 · I T is a familiar fact that Robert Harley belongs among the first politicians to exercise deliberate control over the distribution of propaganda. 1 Students of the early eighteenth century have also come to know that Daniel Defoe, while acting as an agent for Harley, made an extensive fact-finding journey around England from July to November 1705.

  3. Robert Harley, 1st Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer , KG PC FRS(1661 年 12 月 5 日 – 1724 年 5 月 21 日)是斯图亚特晚期和格鲁吉亚早期的英国政治家和贵族。在叛逃到新的保守党内阁之前,他开始了辉格党的职业生涯。1711 年,他被提升为英国贵族,成为伯爵。1711 年至 1714 年间,他担任高级财务官,实际上是安妮 ...

  4. 4 de dic. de 2018 · Is Nicholas Hoult's character, Robert Harley, portrayed accurately in the film? No. For one, Tory leader Robert Harley was not an attractive young 20-something during the reign of Queen Anne. He was instead a somewhat morose-looking man in his early 40s. While it's true that Harley became Abigail's confidant, the two were actually related in ...

  5. Robert Harley (1828–1910), engelsk kongregationalistpastor och matematiker Denna sida innehåller en lista över artiklar i svenskspråkiga Wikipedia om personer med namnet ”Robert Harley”. Om du kom hit via en annan artikel där personen i fråga anges utan närmare bestämning, gå då gärna tillbaka och lägg till hela artikelnamnet i den länk som ledde dig hit.

  6. Portrait of Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford - W.T. Mote en línea como póster, impresión artística, cuadro de lona, dibond, vidrio o cuadro de pared.

  7. ROBERT HARLEY ANGUS McINNES University of Keele Perhaps the most noticeable thing about Robert Harley is that his life is still unwritten.1 Because of this it might be wise to begin with a sketch of his career. Harley was born on 5 December 1661, and spent his childhood in the Marcher village of Brampton Bryan, the seat of the