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  1. 21 de sept. de 2020 · De Royal African Company werd opgericht in 1672 op instigatie van de Britse vorst Charles II. Deze koning had de Royal African Company het monopolie, ofwel economische alleenrecht, op de Britse goudhandel en slavenhandel verleend. De RAC was een voortzetting van de Company of Royal Adventurers of England trading to Africa, die in 1667 (door de ...

  2. 5 de feb. de 2020 · In its day, the Royal African Company devised an effective strategy to manage the flow of goods and information on the West African coast. This strategy was extremely costly because it relied on the maintenance of a chain of coastal forts and trading factories; on the other hand, it consistently enabled the RAC to purchase larger shares of African produce and enslaved human beings than its ...

  3. Royal African Company. A Royal African Company (Companhia Real Africana) foi uma corporação britânica privilegiada, de carácter monopolista, fundada em 1660 pelo rei Carlos II da Casa Stuart que visava principalmente o comércio transatlântico de africanos escravizados.

  4. Investment in the Royal African Company John Cass bought £1000 worth of Royal African Company stock on 5th December 1704. This enabled him to be elected as an ‘assistant’ in January 1705 and, along with twenty-four others, become actively involved in the Company’s trading operation,

  5. Het kwam nooit meer goed met de Royal Africa Company. Haar opvolger werd de Company of Merchants trading to Africa. Royal African Company werd in 1660 opgericht. Zij verkreeg het monopolie op de Engelse goud- en slavenhandel en had haar hoofdkwartier op Bunce Island, en in het huidige Ghana. De Royal Africa Company is in 1752 opgeheven.

  6. 皇家非洲公司(英語: Royal African Company )是英國 史都華王朝和倫敦市商人為了與非洲西海岸展開貿易而於1660年建立的公司,由國王查理二世之弟約克公爵詹姆士管理。在大西洋奴隸貿易中,該公司從非洲向美洲運送的奴隸數量超過了其他任何機構。

  7. By the 1680s, the company's connection to the Crown enabled its control of 74% of England's share in the Transatlantic Slave Trade. The company represents the British enterprise of slavery extending from Europe to western Africa to the North American colonies, where it supplied enslaved African men, women, and children to Jamestown in the Virginia colony and other colonial sites.