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  1. Royal Navy. Royal Navy ( euskaraz Erregeren Itsas Gudarostea) britainiar indar armatuen artean antzinakoena da. 1763. urte ingurutik Bigarren Mundu Gerra arte munduko itsas gudaroste boteretsuena izan zen.

  2. Royal Navy ( pol. Królewska Marynarka Wojenna) – marynarka wojenna Wielkiej Brytanii, najstarsza zorganizowana siła zbrojna Zjednoczonego Królestwa. Od roku 1692 aż do początków II wojny światowej była największą i najpotężniejszą flotą wojenną świata.

  3. Ships of the Royal Navy. This is an alphabetical list of the names of all ships that have been in service with the Royal Navy, or with predecessor fleets formally in the service of the Kingdom of England or the Commonwealth of England. The list also includes fictional vessels which have prominently featured in literature about the Royal Navy.

  4. › wiki › Royal_NavyRoyal Navy - Wikipedia

    La Royal Navy (Marina Real) ye'l más antiguu de los cuerpos militares británicos. Dende aproximao 1763 y hasta la Segunda Guerra Mundial foi la mayor y más poderosa marina del mundu. La Navy ayudó a convertir al Reinu Xuníu na potencia dominante de finales del sieglu XVIII , tol sieglu XIX y la primer metá del sieglu XX ; amás, foi esencial nel caltenimientu del Imperiu Británicu .

  5. Officers of the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve (formed 1903) for civilians, had single wavy rings 4 inch wide, with the curl a squarish shape. The lieutenant commander's narrow ring was originally straight, but after 1942 was waved also. This system of rank insignia is still worn today by officers in the Sea Cadets.

  6. HMS Queen Elizabeth, navire amiral britannique (porte-avions avec Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II ), et HMS Dragon, destroyer. La Royal Navy (en français : « Marine royale ») est la composante maritime de l'armée britannique qui forme avec la British Army (Armée de terre) et la Royal Air Force (Armée de l'air) les Forces armées ...

  7. The Royal Saudi Navy maintains two, 10,000-man marine brigades consisting of three battalions each. The brigades are assigned to the Western Fleet headquartered in Jeddah and the Eastern Fleet headquartered in Jubail. The brigades are equipped with 500 Pegaso BMR AFVs and HMMWVs.