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  1. › wiki › Royal_NavyRoyal Navy - Wikipedia

    La Royal Navy (Marina Real) ye'l más antiguu de los cuerpos militares británicos. Dende aproximao 1763 y hasta la Segunda Guerra Mundial foi la mayor y más poderosa marina del mundu. La Navy ayudó a convertir al Reinu Xuníu na potencia dominante de finales del sieglu XVIII , tol sieglu XIX y la primer metá del sieglu XX ; amás, foi esencial nel caltenimientu del Imperiu Británicu .

  2. Royal Navy. Royal Navy (forkortet RN; norsk: Den kongelige marine) er Storbritannias marine og landets eldste forsvarsgren. Den opererer et stort antall hangarskip, jagere og fregatter, 15 atomubåter og diverse andre fartøyer, samt luftfartøyer og Storbritannias amfibiske infanteri, Royal Marines . Fra sent på 1600-tallet frem til andre ...

  3. Real Flota Auxiliar. Primera Guerra Mundial, Segunda Guerra Mundial, la guerra de Malvinas, la Guerra del Golfo, la Guerra de Kosovo, la Campaña de Afganistán y la Segunda Guerra del Golfo. La Real Flota Auxilar (en inglés: Royal Fleet Auxiliary) es la que proporciona a la Marina Real británica el combustible, alimentos y demás necesidades ...

  4. v. t. e. The history of the Royal Navy reached an important juncture in 1707, when the Act of Union merged the kingdoms of England and Scotland into the Kingdom of Great Britain, following a century of personal union between the two countries. This had the effect of merging the Royal Scots Navy into the Royal Navy.

  5. The Royal Navy is the navy of the United Kingdom. It is the oldest part of the British fighting forces. Because it is the oldest, it is called the "Senior Service". From the 18th century until World War II, it was the largest and strongest navy in the world. The Royal Navy was very important in making Britain the superpower of that time.

  6. Officers of the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve (formed 1903) for civilians, had single wavy rings 4 inch wide, with the curl a squarish shape. The lieutenant commander's narrow ring was originally straight, but after 1942 was waved also. This system of rank insignia is still worn today by officers in the Sea Cadets.

  7. early Scots ships (1329–1707) v. t. e. There are two lists of Royal Navy ships: List of active Royal Navy ships lists all currently commissioned vessels in the Royal Navy. List of ship names of the Royal Navy lists all names that Royal Navy ships have ever borne.