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  1. Shrewsbury International School Phnom Penh provides an ambitious, holistic education underpinned by Shrewsbury UK’s distinctive ethos of ‘Floreat’. This fantastic education is supported by highly qualified and passionate teachers in an inspiring environment. I look forward to welcoming you to our school, or at one of our admissions events ...

  2. International Overview. Shrewsbury School delivers whole person education in a thriving and inclusive boarding and day school community that champions the individual. Founded by Royal Charter in 1552, Shrewsbury School is one of the 'great' nine schools in England identified by the Clarendon Commission of 1861. Over the centuries it has grown ...

  3. Academic Results & Destinations. Scrollswipe. Pupils at Shrewsbury consistently achieve exceptionally strong results placing us as one of the leading schools in the UK. In 2023, The Spectator named Shrewsbury School in their "Oxbridge Files" which lists the top 80 institutions in the UK for student progression to Oxford and Cambridge universities.

  4. 拉格比公学始建于1567年。Rugby School 是英式橄榄球(Rugby Football)的发源地。在1823年,威廉·韦伯·艾利斯首次撰写出了橄榄球运动的规则。 就这样,橄榄球运动逐渐地从足球运动中派生出来。 2024全英最佳私校TOP 25排名,英国私立中学TOP25新鲜出炉! 2024-05-06

  5. Founded by Royal Charter in 1552, Shrewsbury School is set in 110 acres described by Sir Neville Cardus as “the most beautiful playing fields in the world.” Just across the River Severn is the centre of Shrewsbury, itself within easy reach of the Shropshire Hills, Welsh Marches and Snowdonia National Park.

  6. Our Ethos. Shrewsbury School delivers whole-person education in a thriving and inclusive boarding and day school community that champions the individual. We believe that the true purpose of education is the cultivation of inner virtues, life skills and character strengths that equip our young people with the confidence and direction to pursue ...