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  1. Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg 1856. november 29-én született Hohenfinowban egy bankár és földbirtokos család gyermekeként. Strassburgban , Lipcsében és Berlinben folytatott jogi tanulmányokat, majd köztisztviselőként helyezkedett el. 1905 -ben porosz belügyminiszternek, 1907 -ben pedig a Birodalmi Hivatal belügyi államtitkárának nevezték ki.

  2. 1856-1921. Biography. Fifth Chancellor of Germany from 1909-1917 under Wilhelm II. Chancellor at the beginning of the First World War, and for a long period denied his support for unrestricted submarine warfare, although he later chose to support this in 1917. Forced out of office when both Luderndorff and Hindenburg threatened to resign if he ...

  3. 特奥巴登·冯·贝特曼·霍尔维格(Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg,1856年11月29日-1921年1月1日),德国政治家,曾于1909年至1917年间任德意志帝国首相。 一些历史学家曾责备他在1914年7月,为了解决奥匈帝国和塞尔维亚的纠纷,给奥匈帝国开了一张空头支票,由此引发了第一次世界大战。

  4. BETHMANN HOLLWEG, THEOBALD VON (1856-1921), Chancellor of the German Empire from July 1909 to July 1917, was born Nov. 29 1856 at Hohenfinow, the family property near Berlin, where he also died. He was descended from the Frankfurt banking family of Bethmann, which attained great prosperity in the 18th century, and a branch of which was founded ...

  5. Theobald Theodor Friedrich Alfred von Bethmann Hollweg (født 29. november 1856 i Hohenfinow, Brandenburg, død 2. januar 1921) var en tysk statsmand. Regeringsleder i Bromberg 1899, overpræsident i Brandenburg 1899, indenrigsminister i Preussen 1905, preussisk ministerpræsident og udenrigsminister samt Tysklands rigskansler 1909 – 1917.

  6. Bethmann Hollweg, Theobald von. Bethmann was a career civil servant who became Imperial Germany’s fifth Reich Chancellor and took Germany into the First World War. Despite heading the imperial German political administration, his power was circumscribed by the role of Kaiser Wilhelm II and the army leadership. He was forced to resign in 1917.

  7. テオバルト・テオドール・フリードリヒ・アルフレート・フォン・ベートマン・ホルヴェーク(Theobald Theodor Friedrich Alfred von Bethmann Hollweg, 1856年 11月29日 – 1921年 1月1日)は、ドイツの内務 官僚、政治家。第一次世界大戦開戦時のドイツ帝国の宰相。