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  1. › wiki › UTC%E2%88%921UTC1Wikipedia

    UTC1. Koko vuoden ajan UTC1:tä käyttävät maat kirkkaankeltaisella, kesällä käyttävät maat oranssilla, normaaliaikana käyttävät maat tummansinisellä, merialueet sinisellä. UTC1 on aikavyöhyke, joka on yhden tunnin UTC±0 -aikavyöhykettä jäljessä. Sitä käytetään noin 15–30 astetta läntistä pituutta. UTC1 on ...

  2. Club Universidad Técnica de Cajamarca. El Club Universidad Técnica de Cajamarca, más conocido como Universidad Técnica de Cajamarca o simplemente UTC, es un club de fútbol uni-profesional de la ciudad peruana de Cajamarca, en el departamento homónimo. Fue fundado el 14 de julio de 1964 y juega en la Primera División del Perú, desde 2013.

  3. › wiki › Artemis_1Artemis 1 - Wikipedia

    Artemis 1 was launched on November 16, 2022, at 06:47:44 UTC (01:47:44 EST). Artemis 1 was launched from Launch Complex 39B at the Kennedy Space Center. After reaching Earth orbit, the upper stage carrying the Orion spacecraft separated and performed a trans-lunar injection before releasing Orion and deploying ten CubeSat satellites.

  4. › wiki › UTC%E2%88%9201:00UTC−01:00 - Wikipedia

    Regions in UTC−02:00 longitudes using UTC−01:00 time. The westernmost part of legal UTC-01:00 area in Ittoqqortoormiit Municipality (East Greenland) Azores islands (Portugal) Cape Verde; Areas in UTC−01:00 longitudes using other time zones Using UTC−02:00. The easternmost tip of Greenland (excluding legal UTC-1 and UTC±0 areas) Using ...

  5. › wiki › UTC%E2%88%9204:00UTC−04:00 - Wikipedia

    UTC−2. (BRT+1) UTC−04:00 is an identifier for a time offset from UTC of −04:00. It is observed in the Eastern Time Zone (e.g., in Canada and the United States) during the warm months of daylight saving time, as Eastern Daylight Time. The Atlantic Time Zone observes it during standard time (cold months). It is observed all year in the ...

  6. Ora universală coordonată sau timpul universal coordonat, abreviat internațional ca UTC (compromis între engleză Coordinated Universal Time - CUT și franceză Temps Universel Coordonné - TUC), este un hibrid între timpul civil al meridianului 0 (timpul calculat după mișcarea aparentă a Soarelui, numit timp universal) și timpul fizic determinat cu cea mai mare precizie posibilă ...

  7. › wiki › UTC%E2%88%921UTC1 - Wikipedia

    UTC1 este un fus orar aflat cu 1 oră după UTC. UTC1 este folosit în următoarele țări și teritorii: Ora standard (tot anul) Capul Verde; Ora standard (iarna din emisfera nordică) Danemarca Groenlanda (Ittoqqortoormiit și zona înconjurătoare) Portugalia Insulele Azore; În vara aceste regiuni folosesc fusul orar UTC±0.