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  1. La Universidad de Graz [1] (nombre oficial en alemán: Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, en latín: Carolo-Franciscea) es la universidad más grande de Estiria, y, después de la Universidad de Viena, la segunda más antigua de Austria. Les debe su nombre al archiduque Carlos II de Estiria y al emperador Francisco I de Austria.

    • Pública
  2. Lange Nacht der Forschung im UniGraz@Museum. BUNTE BLÜTEN: Zeichen- & Malworkshop im Botanischen Garten. Kernkompetenz KI. Liegt das Glück im Weltraum? Sommerkonzert des Grazer Universitätsorchesters. Science meets Poetry. Versmaß vs. Maßeinheit. Anreizsystem für Frauenförderung. Poetry Slam: Erste Grazer Lesebühne.

  3. The University of Graz. Facts and figures at a glance. Climate-neutral campus. Greenhouse gas emissions to be massively reduced by 2030. From 1585 up to today. Digital time travel through the history of the University of Graz. Mission Statement. What is important to us in research and teaching

  4. The University of Graz (German: Universität Graz; old: Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz) is a public research university located in Graz, Austria. It is the largest and oldest university in Styria, as well as the second-largest and second-oldest university in Austria.

    • 2,676
    • 1585; 438 years ago
    • Urban
    • 31,580
  5. La Universidad de Graz (nombre oficial en alemán: Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, en latín: Carolo-Franciscea) es la universidad más grande de Estiria, y, después de la Universidad de Viena, la segunda más antigua de Austria. Les debe su nombre al archiduque Carlos II de Estiria y al emperador Francisco I de Austria.

  6. The University of Graz is Austria’s second oldest and second largest university. The motto “we work for tomorrow” guides students and researchers. They develop solutions for the future with a special focus on the topics sustainability, climate change and biosciences. Students can choose from a total of more than 120 studies.

  7. Where is the best place to study? At the University of Graz. In an inspiring atmosphere of learning and research. With about 120 studies to choose from. For your way to the future.

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