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  1. Bessie Wallis Warfield (thereafter known as Wallis), was born on June 19, 1896, in a small resort town called Blue Ridge Summit along the Pennsylvania and Maryland border. Her parents, Alice Montague and Teackle Wallis Warfield, had retired there for the summer from Baltimore for the benefit of her father, who suffered from tuberculosis.

  2. Bessie Wallis Warfield was born at a resort in Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania, on June 19, 1895, or June 19, 1896, to Teckle Warfield, a bank teller for the Continental Trust, and Alice Montague. There is much controversy about Bessie Wallis's actual birth year, which some say was obscured to protect her parents from the social stigma attached to having a child out of wedlock.

  3. 3 de abr. de 2014 · Wallis married Edward in June 1937, and spent the remainder of her life as the Duchess of Windsor, until her death in Paris in 1986. Early Life Simpson was born Bessie Wallis Warfield on June 19 ...

  4. Wallis Warfield was born illegitimately in June 1895 and her parents, both from Southern families living in Baltimore, married only a year and a half later. Wallis later lied about the circumstances of her birth as about many other details.

  5. 21 de feb. de 2019 · Her father, Teackle Wallis Warfield, was the son of a wealthy Baltimore flour merchant, and her mother, Alice Montague, was a stockbroker’s daughter. Although Wallis always claimed her parents married in June 1895, parish records show that they weren’t married until November 1895—meaning that Wallis was conceived out of wedlock , considered a big scandal at the time.

  6. Wallis, Duquesa de Windsor (nascida Bessie Wallis Warfield, Blue Ridge Summit, 19 de junho de 1896 – Paris, 24 de abril de 1986 ), também conhecida como Wallis Simpson, foi uma socialite americana e esposa do ex- rei-imperador Eduardo VIII. A intenção deles de se casar e sua condição de divorciada causaram uma crise constitucional que ...

  7. 21 de ene. de 2021 · Bessie Wallis Warfield (pierwsze imię otrzymała po ciotce, drugie po przyjacielu dziadka i ojcu) przyszła na świat w 1896 roku w letnim kurorcie Blue Ridge Summit w Pensylwanii. Kazała do siebie mówić „Wallis”, bo męskie imię pasowało do jej androgynicznej sylwetki, niskiego głosu i ostrych rysów twarzy.