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  1. The Conservative Party was founded in 1834 from the Tory Party and was one of two dominant political parties in the 19th century, along with the Liberal Party. Under Benjamin Disraeli, it played a preeminent role in politics at the height of the British Empire.

  2. Political parties. The Whigs were a political faction and then a political party in the Parliaments of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom. Between the 1680s and the 1850s, the Whigs contested power with their rivals, the Tories. The Whigs merged into the Liberal Party with the Peelites and Radicals in the 1850s.

  3. › display › 10Whig - Oxford Reference

    10 de abr. de 2024 · The resulting ‘Whig oligarchy’ achieved a hitherto unseen stability in political life over the next few decades, with power concentrated in the hands of the great Whig families.By the 1760s all politicians regarded themselves loosely as Whigs, but the term was consciously appropriated and used by the remnants of the old corps who had regrouped as an aristocratic country party led by ...

  4. Виговци су били фракција, а потом и политичка странка у парламентима Енглеске, Шкотске, Велике Британије и Уједињеног Краљевства. Између 1680-их и 1850-их, они су се борилу за власт против својих ...

  5. The Federalist Party was a conservative and nationalist American political party and the first political party in the United States. Under Alexander Hamilton, it dominated the national government from 1789 to 1801. Defeated by the Democratic-Republican Party in 1800, it became a minority party while keeping its stronghold in New England and ...

  6. The political parties contained in this module are split into alphabetised lists based on the first character of the name (for example, "Labour Party (UK)" would be under /L ). The /1 subpage is for any party that does not start with the western letters A-Z (including numbers and accented characters). Within each data submodule are two local ...

  7. This article is about the British former political faction. For the modern party of the same name, see Whig Party (British political party).