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  1. 26 de jun. de 2020 · Sir William Stanley crowning Henry Tudor with the fallen King Richard’s crown in the aftermath of the Battle of Bosworth. Unknown artist.. It is well documented how, through the treasonable and treacherous actions of Sir William Stanley at Bosworth, Richard III lost his crown and his life. He was hacked to death after Sir William, who it is ...

  2. 11 de oct. de 2019 · Stanley Jevons. et l'effet rebond. Économiste britannique qui montre que le progrès technique n'est pas (forcément) la solution à l'épuisement des ressources énergétiques. Plus les machines à vapeur sont efficaces et plus leur coût d'utilisation est faible, plus la demande de ressources augmente. Le 11 octobre 2019, modifié le 11 mai ...

  3. Este ensayo intenta presentar una síntesis de las aporta-ciones de William Stanley Jevons al Pensamiento Económico como uno de los autores más originales tanto en la teoría de los precios relativos, en el ámbito de la Estadística, en el de la construcción de índices de precios y en teoría monetaria. El en-sayo está dividido en cuatro ...

  4. 18 de ene. de 2019 · El Piano Lógico de William Stanley Jevons. Se desempeñó como docente en el Owens College de Manchester, y finalmente regresó al University College de Londres en 1876 como profesor. Pero, antes de eso, en 1869, se convirtió en el inventor de la primera máquina lógica capaz de usar el Álgebra de Boole para resolver problemas lógicos.

  5. 24 de feb. de 2023 · William Stanley Jr. (1858-1916) was an American physicist, obtaining 129 patents for electric devices. He designed the first practical AC transformer and distribution system, which served as the basis for modern electrical power distribution. He founded the Stanley Electric Manufacturing Company and patented an all-steel vacuum bottle, which led to the Stanley Bottle Company.

  6. Resumo de “A História Fascinante do Copo Stanley: Descubra sua Origem!”: O Copo Stanley foi criado em 1913 por William Stanley Jr., um inventor americano. Ele criou o copo para resolver o problema de manter bebidas quentes ou frias por longos períodos de tempo. O primeiro modelo do Copo Stanley foi feito de aço inoxidável e revestido ...

  7. 1 de ene. de 2018 · This article examines William Stanley Jevons’s life and work against the background of Victorian disputes over the appropriate method of political economy. Jevons is commonly known as one of the founders of marginalist analysis in economics. As a genuine Victorian polymath, Jevons undertook research in many different fields of the sciences ...

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