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  1. William Wyndham Grenville, corect William Wyndham Grenville, 1st Baron Grenville PC, PC (Ire) (n. 25 octombrie 1759 , Buckinghamshire , Anglia , Regatul Unit – d. 12 ianuarie 1834 , Buckinghamshire , Anglia , Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii și Irlandei ) a fost un politician britanic , om de stat al partidului Whig statesman.

  2. 17 de jun. de 2020 · Biography. William Wyndham Grenville 1st Baron Grenville served as Prime Minister between 1806 to 1807. Read more about the life and achievements of William Wyndham Grenville 1st Baron Grenville ...

  3. Lord Grenville rose and spoke as follows: In stating to your lordships, in detail, some of the arguments on which this important measure rests, I hope I shall be excused by your lordships if I should feel myself obliged, in some instances, to tread over the same ground which has become so familiar to you in the course of a

  4. William Wyndham Grenville, 1st Baron Grenville PC PCi FRS (25 October 1759 – 12 January 1834) was a British Pittite Tory politician who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1806 to 1807, but was a supporter of the Whigs for the duration of the Napoleonic Wars.

  5. S ite Web en Français, cliquer -> Website in English, click ->. Lord William Wyndham Grenville and Baron of Grenville Quebec Québec Canada Londres London George III Georges III Chambre des Lords House of Lords Eton Oxford Wotton house Dropmore house rivière outaouais Ottawa river Laurentides.

  6. William Wyndham Grenville, 1. baron Grenville (25. říjen 1759 – 12. leden 1834) byl britský státník, člen strany Whigů a premiér. Pocházel ze šlechtické rodiny Grenvillů , jako jediný v britské historii byl během své kariéry předsedou Dolní i Horní sněmovny.

  7. William Wyndham Grenville, the first and last Baron Grenville, was talented, deeply learned, a useful party man, but aloof, respected rather than liked. His nickname was Bogy, perhaps meaning scary or bogeyman. William Wilberforce praised him fulsomely but said of him: "His natural temper is not that of warmth."