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  1. Casi toda la población era de «principiantes» en el mercado de vivienda holandés, ya sea por juventud en el caso de emancipación de jóvenes (con un alto porcentaje inicial de población gay, que en la década de 1970 recibían más ayudas sociales para la vivienda), o por la masiva llegada de inmigrantes, principalmente por la descolonización de Surinam en 1975 y el posterior golpe ...

  2. 24 de feb. de 2023 · In 1975, the former Dutch colony of Suriname gained independency; and many of its residents migrated to Amsterdam and found relatively easy access to housing in Bijlmermeer. More and more community spaces were subject to deterioration and criminal activities; car parks, interior walkways, and green public areas were felt thought to be unsafe.

  3. En 1965 fue presentado en Amsterdam el plan para el nuevo barrio de Bijlmermeer, un distrito proyectado bajo las premisas utopicas del CIAM y que apostaba por la gran escala, por el uso colectivo de los espacios semipublicos y por la segregacion de

  4. 20 de feb. de 2018 · When it was over, no one would ever try it again. Pi de Bruijn was an architect in Amsterdam who, as a young man, was hired to help plan the Bijlmermeer. The utopian ideals of the project captured de Bruijn’s attention for seven years, as he worked as part of a team headed by an architect named Siegfried Nassuth.

  5. Other articles where Bijlmermeer is discussed: Amsterdam: City development: …south, and, in the 1970s, Bijlmermeer in the southeast. Bijlmermeer was the ultimate in modernist utopian urban planning, with bicycle paths, playgrounds, and high-rises built along the city’s new metro line. However, it was not a success and was later partly demolished and redeveloped in a mix of building styles…

  6. 14 de mar. de 2008 · March 14, 2008. The Bijlmermeer under construction, late 1960’s / Ongoing renewal, since early 2000s. Toronto can learn how its apartment neighbourhoods could evolve by looking at the successes of other cities. Take the Bijlmermeer for instance, a large tower block district outside of Amsterdam, reminiscent in certain respects to modern ...

  7. 2 de feb. de 2012 · De intentie In de jaren ’60 kwam de gemeente Amsterdam met het ambitieuze plan om in het gebied de Bijlmermeer een nieuwe woonwijk te creëren met een strikte scheiding tussen wonen en werken. Quality agreements were made about the construction and furnishing with plenty of space for greenery and recreation. De aanpak De Amsterdamse Dienst Stadsontwikkeling ontwikkelde in de