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  1. The Catholic Encyclopedia (Katolička enciklopedija) američka je enciklopedija koja daje pregled učenja, djelovanja i povijesti Katoličke Crkve. Povijest [ uredi | uredi kôd ] Objavljivanje enciklopedije započela je nakladnička kuća Robert Appleton Company 1907. godine u New Yorku .

  2. It is estimated that six new Catholic websites are being added each month. New Advent's web site counter reveals that the Catholic Encyclopedia receives 3,300 hits per day, and that 18,000 documents are downloaded each day. Clearly, the Catholic Encyclopedia is meeting a need. Knight has heard from hundreds of users.

  3. Includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more — all for only $19.99... The term church (Anglo-Saxon, cirice, circe ; Modern German, Kirche; Swedish, Kyrka ) is the name employed in the Teutonic languages to render the Greek ekklesia ( ecclesia ), the term by which the New Testament writers denote the society founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ.

  4. La Catholic Encyclopedia, appelée aujourd'hui par rétronymie Old Catholic Encyclopedia, est une encyclopédie en langue anglaise, rédigée entre 1907 et 1913 et conçue pour « faire autorité et renseigner sur le cycle complet des intérêts, de l'action et de la doctrine catholiques » et publiée originellement par Robert Appleton Company .

  5. Logo ex-líbrica da Enciclopédia Católica. A Enciclopédia Católica: Um trabalho de referência internacional sobre a Constituição, Doutrina, Disciplina, e História da Igreja Católica (do inglês The Catholic Encyclopedia: An International Work of Reference on the Constitution, Doctrine, Discipline, and History of the Catholic Church [1]), também referida como Antiga Enciclopédia ...

  6. 1 Teología de San José. 2 El Sagrado Corazón de María. 3 Sagrado Corazón de San José. 4 Conociendo a la Iglesia Ortodoxa. 5 El auxilio a las almas del Purgatorio. 6 Doctrina Social de la Iglesia. 7 San Agustín. 8 Enciclopedia católica para padres e hijos. 9 Adoremos al Santísimo Sacramento del Altar.

  7. Search volume N in the Catholic Encyclopedia. Find all 287 articles within volume N of the Catholic Encyclopedia.

  1. Búsquedas relacionadas con catholic encyclopedia

    the catholic encyclopedia