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  1. Hace 3 días · This trait was not only well-known amongst his peers and in the courts of his Patrons but also across the population of the cities he lived in. The curious nature of his mind is best highlighted to us through a to-do list from the 1490s whilst he lived in Milan as part of the ducal court of Ludovico Sforza. The list reads:

  2. Hace 6 días · "La Última Cena" es una de las pinturas más famosas del mundo, reconocida por su arte y significado histórico. Fue pintado por el erudito italiano Leonardo da Vinci, célebre por sus contribuciones en diversos campos como la pintura, la escultura, la ingeniería y la anatomía.

  3. Hace 1 día · Along with Ludovico Fregoso and Obietto Fieschi, he crosses the Magra River and attempts to enter Sarzana at the head of 200 cavalry and some infantry: repelled with significant losses, he moves to Lunigiana, positions himself between Avenza and Carrara, and stays in the area for three weeks until he is reached with a substantial sum of money by Sforza Maria Sforza and Ludovico Sforza, who ...

  4. Hace 4 días · L’opera ritrae Cecilia Gallerani, amante di Ludovico Sforza, detto il Moro, seduta con grazia e con in grembo un ermellino, simbolo di nobiltà e purezza. Questo capolavoro è conservato presso il Museo Czartoryski a Cracovia, in Polonia, e rappresenta uno dei ritratti più celebrati ed enigmatici dell’intera produzione artistica di Leonardo.

  5. Hace 5 días · La historia detrás del famoso “mod cut” refleja un fenómeno global sin precedentes. Astrid Kirchherr fue la pionera en introducir el icónico "corte Beatle" inspirándose en el cine de ...

  6. Hace 5 días · Bona Sforza (2 February 1494 or 2 February 1493 – 19 November 1557) was a member of the powerful Milanese House of Sforza. In 1518, she became the second wife of Sigismund I the Old, the King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, and became the Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania. She was the third child of Gian Galeazzo Sforza ...

  7. Hace 2 días · Has tomado casi 7,665,914,880 soplo de aire. Ha pasado casi 532.34 meses comiendo y bebiendo. Ha comido casi 898.35 toneladas de comida. Ha bebido casi 731,988 litros de agua. Ha reído casi 5,656,274 veces. Se ha tirado un pedo casi 4,658,108 veces. Ha pasado casi 6,920.62 de días en el baño.