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  1. Hace 6 horas · Using insights from the literature on psychology and medicine, we examine the impact of stress induced by terrorism on child sex at birth. The psychological and social stressors associated with terrorist events prior to conception may trigger changes in parental hormones that have an implication for birth outcomes. We extract data on 11,331 live births conceived between 2007 and 2012 from ...

  2. Hace 6 horas · Background Surgical left atrial appendage (LAA) closure concomitant to open-heart surgery prevents thromboembolism in high-risk patients. Nevertheless, high-level evidence does not exist for LAA closure performed in patients with any CHA2DS2-VASc score and preoperative atrial fibrillation or flutter (AF) status—the current trial attempts to provide such evidence. Methods The study is ...

  3. Hace 6 horas · Background Neuroblastoma (NB) patients with amplified MYCN often face a grim prognosis and are resistant to existing therapies, yet MYCN protein is considered undruggable. KAP1 (also named TRIM28) plays a crucial role in multiple biological activities. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between KAP1 and MYCN in NB. Methods Transcriptome analyses and luciferase reporter assay ...

  4. Hace 6 horas · Background Understanding the factors contributing to happiness in the nursing profession is essential, particularly considering the high levels of stress associated with the job. This study aimed to explore the role of emotion regulation in mediating the relationship between personality traits and nurses’ happiness. Objective This study aimed to explore the relationship between personality ...

  5. Hace 6 horas · Podjęto też intensywne śledztwo mające ustalić, co stało się z resztą radu (1166 mg), w tym całym radem RMS (1033 mg) i resztą (133 mg) MSC. Finalnie po czterech miesiącach udało się przekonać Niemców (za pomocą sfałszowanej dokumentacji), że rad ten został ewakuowany do Francji wraz z innym wyposażeniem przez wojsko, w związku z czym w Instytucie nie ma już zupełnie radu.

  6. Hace 6 horas · Decreto di approvazione della graduatoria nazionale ATA EX LSU di cui all'art. 58, c. 5 septies, del DL 69/2013 e ss. mm. Inserimento graduatoria nazionale ATA EX LSU - Procedura ex art. 58, c. 5 septies, del DL 69/2013 e artt. 9 e ss del decreto n. 133/2023 ; AVVISO - Immissioni in ruolo personale ATA a.s.2023/24

  7. Hace 6 horas · Read the full newspaper online, on your smartphone and tablet