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  1. Le château de Frederiksborg ( Frederiksborg Slot en danois) est un château danois construit pour Christian IV à Hillerød . Il s'agit du plus grand palais de Scandinavie. Il symbolise la puissance de la monarchie absolue danoise. En effet, la famille royale y résidait et les rois y étaient sacrés lorsque le Danemark était une monarchie ...

  2. 6 de feb. de 2018 · Il Castello di Frederiksborg (Frederiksborg Slot in danese) è facilmente raggiungibile da Copenaghen. Il modo più comodo per raggiungerlo è senza dubbio il treno. Infatti, dalla stazione centrale di Copenaghen parte un treno per Hillerød ogni 10 minuti. Il tempo di percorrenza tra Copenaghen e Hillerød è di 45-50 minuti.

  3. Frederiksborg Castle - 1600-1625. Frederiksborg Castle built around 1600-1625 by King Christian IV (1577-1648 - ruled Denmark and Norway 1588-1648) - and best known as the great builder of Copenhagen. The castle is a cultural treasure chest and covers two decades of architectural glory as well as being a national monument - placed on 3 small ...

  4. Frederiksborg Castle has housed The Museum of National History since 1878. A tour through the museum's many beautiful rooms is an encounter with kings, queens, nobles, the bourgeois, events, and epochs, which have all shaped the country's history and development from the Middle Ages to the 21st century.

  5. At that time there was already a castle and the king named it Frederiksborg after himself. (‘Borg’ means castle in Danish). The construction of the current palace started in 1599 and lasted for 22 years. At that time Christian IV was king. He tore down most of the old castle and built the current version as a summer residence.

  6. 9 de mar. de 2017 · Frederiksborg, with its bay windows and lack of a castle wall, has much in common with the beautiful chateaux of the Loire Valley and was built for pleasure and for show. Though when, in 1659, during one of Denmark’s frequent wars with Sweden, it was captured by enemy forces, looted, and used as a hunting lodge, the then king, Frederik III ...

  7. 7 de nov. de 2023 · From Copenhagen, your day trip to Frederiksborg Castle by public transport will only take you an hour! Simply get to Copenhagen Central Station to take the S-train line A for about 40 min to “Hillerød St.”. When arriving at Hillerød train station, take bus line 301 or 302 to “Frederiksborg Slot” station or walk 20 min through the city ...