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  1. Hace 4 días · Immanuel Wallerstein, Jahrgang 1930, ist Professor für Soziologie und als Direktor des Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems and Civilizations an der Binghamton University (New York) sowie am Maison des Sciences de l'Homme in Paris tätig.

  2. You can also have the zechus of being our partner. For more information, contact [email protected]. The content on and related sites is for personal use only.

  3. Hace 4 días · Kalla Faktas granskning visar även hur SD:s kommunikationschef Joakim Wallerstein försöker mörka sanningen. I TV4:s Kalla Fakta-program Undercover i trollfabriken avslöjas kopplingar mellan ...

  4. Hace 5 días · In her Advent devotional, Janet Denison offers 25 days on The Gift of Immanuel. Each short day’s reading focuses on a key Bible verse and offers Janet’s biblical insight and encouragement toward living a life that follows God. Jesus stepped into the world to spend time, and time eternal, with you.

  5. Hace 4 días · Problemet är att materialet är filmat av Riks och innehåller bilder på en mikrofon med kanalens logotyp på. Om SD publicerar materialet innan redaktionen gör det kan det väcka misstankar om dels kopplingen mellan partiet och kanalen, men även den till de anonyma kontona. – Det kommer bli problem ju, säger en anställd.

  6. Hace 4 días · Back in 2022, the Sweden Democrats were accused of running a "troll factory" by left-wing newspaper Dagens ETC.At the time, the party rejected the accusations, calling ETC's article "unserious and obvious activism" in an email to SVT, while admitting that a group called Battlefield, responsible for moderating the party's comments boxes on social media, did exist at one point.

  7. Hace 4 días · The Steinberg Institute announced today the selection of UCSF's Fumi Mitsuishi, MD, MS, as the first of its 2024 Steinberg Institute Champions. The recognition, awarded each May during Mental Health Awareness Month, honors unsung heroes working to improve the lives of California's most vulnerable.