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  1. Estaba muy asociado con humanistas alemanes como Jacobo Wimpfeling (1450-1528). [1] Como él, Geiler era un sacerdote secular y ambos lucharon contra los abusos eclesiásticos de su época, pero no como Martín Lutero , sino buscando la salvación y la supervivencia de la moral cristiana en la Iglesia y el Estado a través del mantenimiento de la fe de las doctrinas de la Iglesia.

  2. Wimpfeling, Jakob. (Schlettstadt, 1450–1528, Freiburg) (also spelt Wimpheling and Wympfeling), was an Alsatian scholar who was in general opposed to the ... Access to the complete content on Oxford Reference requires a subscription or purchase. Public users are able to search the site and view the abstracts and keywords for each book and ...

  3. Title: De fide concubinarum in sacerdotes . Artist: Jacob Wimpfeling (Swiss) Printer: Printed by Jacob Wolff de Pforzheim (Swiss) Author: Written by Paul Olearius. Date: ca. 1501. Medium: Woodcut. Dimensions: Overall: 7 15/16 x 5 3/4 x 1/4 in. (20.2 x 14.6 x 0.7 cm) Classification: Books. Credit Line: Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1932.

  4. Quick Reference. (Ehingen, 1471–1528, Ingolstadt), a humanist, wandered from university to university in search of knowledge, studying under Sebastian Brant at Basel, and under Celtis at Ingolstadt, afterwards visiting Italy. He taught ... From: Locher, Jakob in The Oxford Companion to German Literature ».

  5. Jakob Wimpheling. Wimpfeling, Wympfeling. (Schlettstadt, Alsàcia, 25 de juliol de 1450 — Schlettstadt, Alsàcia, 17 de novembre de 1528) Teòleg i humanista alsacià. Ensenyà retòrica i poètica a Heidelberg, i d’antuvi fou partidari de la reforma luterana, bé que aviat li negà el suport. Entre les seves obres cal esmentar Isidoneus ...

  6. Quick Reference. (1450–1528), Prolific German humanist, born in Schlettstadt (now French Sélestat), in Alsace, and educated at the universities of Freiburg, Erfurt, and Heidelberg. In 1484, by which time he had become ... From: Wimpfeling, Jakob in The Oxford Dictionary of the Renaissance ». Subjects: History — Early Modern History (1500 ...