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  1. Hace 23 horas · Hace 177 años nacía en Estados Unidos Katharine Hepburn (1907-2003), ... Sin embargo, Hepburn terminó su relación con él por Howard Hughes. Este magnate y cineasta, ...

  2. Hace 23 horas · Howard Hughes, Hepburn's partner at the time, sensed that the play could be her ticket back to Hollywood stardom and bought her the film rights before it even debuted on stage. The Philadelphia Story first toured the United States, to positive reviews, and then opened in New York at the Shubert Theatre on March 28, 1939.

  3. Hace 2 días · While Hughes had previously been relatively obscure despite his wealth, better known for dating Katharine Hepburn, New York City now gave him a ticker-tape parade in the Canyon of Heroes. [38] [6] : 136–139 Hughes and his crew were awarded the 1938 Collier Trophy for flying around the world in record time.

    • April 5, 1976 (aged 70), en route via air from Mexico to Houston, Texas, U.S.
    • Howard Robard Hughes Jr., December 24, 1905, Houston, Texas, U.S.
    • Businessman, filmmaker, investor, philanthropist, pilot
    • Howard R. Hughes Sr. (father)
  4. Hace 23 horas · Las Mejores Películas de Katharine Hepburn ¿La mayor leyenda femenina en la historia del cine? Muy probablemente, y es que en la época dorada de Hollywood no había una fiera más talentosa, versátil e independiente que Katharine Hepburn, la cual conservó su hegemonía protagónica en 6 de las 7 décadas en las que se mantuvo constantemente activa desde su debut en 1932, teniendo aún el ...

  5. Hace 4 días · La vida i la carrera de Katharine Hepburn són llegendàries. La seva trajectòria comença en una família extraordinària, rodejada per una aurèola de misteri i tragèdia. Les relacions tumultuoses que va mantenir amb Howard Hughes, John Ford i, sobretot, amb Spencer Tracy, van deixar fascinat el públic.

  6. Hace 23 horas · Katharine Hepburn surveying damage to her family’s shoreline home in Fenwick after the Hurricane of 1938. The daughter of wealthy and progressive, politically active parents, Hepburn attended private school in West Hartford before attending Bryn Mawr college in Pennsylvania, where she discovered her love for acting.

  7. Hace 4 días · The list of women associated with Hughes is long: Ava Gardner, Katharine Hepburn, Jean Harlow, Ginger Rogers, Lana Turner, and Susan Hayward to name just a few. ( Jean Simmons also reportedly said no to Hughes, so he sabotaged her career.)