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  1. Hace 1 día · Dirigida y protagonizada por Laurence Olivier, el rodaje no fue sencillo. Olivier le indicó a Marilyn que debía limitarse a ser sexy y ella se sintió menospreciada. Su venganza consistió en acudir al set con horas de retraso y exigir hasta la extenuación la repetición de varias escenas.

  2. Hace 4 días · ¿Quién era realmente esa mujer que murió en extrañas circunstancias en 12305 Fifth Helena, California, Los Ángeles, la madrugada del 5 de agosto de 1962 o quizás la noche del 4, víctima de un...

  3. Hace 3 días · Acted alongside renowned actors like Marlon Brando and Laurence Olivier Co-founded her own production company, Marilyn Monroe Productions, in 1954 Married baseball legend Joe DiMaggio in 1954 (short-lived)

  4. Hace 3 días · Marilyn Monroe's life has sparked immense fascination, leading to multiple portrayals by various actresses. However, few have captured the star's allure and tormented inner life as effectively as ...

  5. Hace 4 días · Laurence Olivier, the illustrious maestro of the British stage and silver screen, burst onto the scene on May 22, 1907, in the quaint town of Dorking, Surrey, England. With a dramatic flair evident from his early days at All Saints Choir School, where he first trod the boards as the formidable Brutus in an abridged Julius Caesar, Olivier was destined for theatrical greatness.

  6. Hace 4 días · Marilyn Monroe's legendary scene caused tension to her marriage with Joe DiMaggio. Marilyn Monroe's intelligence was often overlooked as she pursued her own production company despite industry norms. The iconic scene of Monroe's white dress flying up led to tensions in her marriage with Joe DiMaggio. DiMaggio struggled to accept Monroe's fame ...

  7. Hace 2 días · Mindez rendkívül zavarta Laurence Olivier-t. 4. Marilyn Monroe sok kellemetlenséget okozott a Van, aki forrón szereti (1959) című film stábjának: nem tudta rendesen a szövegét, s a jeleneteit számtalanszor kellett újravenni.