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  1. C'est le 16 mai 1770 que l'archiduchesse d'Autriche Marie-Antoinette, 14 ans, et le dauphin du roi de France et futur Louis XVI, 15 ans, sont mariés lors d'une cérémonie fastueuse. Une alliance...

  2. 9 de dic. de 2023 · La relation entre Louis XVI et Marie-Antoinette a été en dents de scie. Envie d'en savoir plus sur leur royale vie conjugale ? C'est par ici !

    • Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette Were Barely in Their Teens When They Married
    • Louis and Marie’s Royal Bedroom Was on The Quiet Side
    • Louis Spent More Time on Padlocks Than Wedlock
    • Marie Antoinette Liked Flowers and Chocolates, Queen-Style
    • Louis Was A Homebody and A Bookworm
    • Marie Antoinette Was Not The Monster as Portrayed in The Media
    • Louis XVI Was Not A Cat Person
    • Marie Antoinette Was An Unhappy Victim of Pornographers

    In the days of the European monarchies, marriage was less a matter of personal inclination than political expediency. Governments interested in forming alliances with other countries would as a matter of course attempt to unite their leaders with the offspring of other royalty. This was the case for Louis-Auguste, third son of the dauphin of France...

    Since they were more or less children at the time, we would not be surprised today that nothing much happened at first when Louis and Marie were thrust together. One of the key reasons for royal marriages, however, was to produce heirs, and this was expected to happen with some alacrity. In the case of the royal couple, a long night stretched into ...

    Since Louis didn’t seem very interested in a vivacious young bride, what exactly was he interested in? Although it wasn’t the kind of working with his hands that the French may have preferred, what Louis liked to do was work with metal and wood. Unencumbered with learning how to be kingly at a young age, Louis found himself drawn to the solitary pu...

    While Louis was busy making locks and spinning wheels, Marie was indulging her taste for luxury. Raised by her family in a homespun manner, often helping out with chores and playing with “common” children, Marie nonetheless took to the role of queen with gusto. She became notorious for her pricey fashions and expensively sculpted hair. A party girl...

    As the story about the clock makes clear, Louis was not exactly a party animal. While Marie enjoyed music, dancing, and gambling, Louis’ idea of a pleasant evening was to enjoy a good book by the fireside and retire early. Louis XVI had one of the most impressive personal libraries of his day, almost 8,000 carefully arranged volumes of bound leathe...

    Political pamphleteers of the day did much to deride Marie Antoinette for her profligate spending habits, nicknaming her “Madame Déficit.” They often portrayed her as an ignorant woman who treated her social inferiors with disregard at best and contempt at worst. Much of this character assassination was simply invented. Although Marie Antoinette wa...

    Although he was generally a fair and gentle man, Louis XVI did bear some hatred in his heart for one particular race of creatures: cats. It’s anyone’s guess where this hatred stemmed from, but a likely source would be his grandfather, Louis XV, who adored cats. Affection was an absent commodity between Louis and his grandfather, and he was unlikely...

    Always somewhat unpopular in France owing to her provenance (the French and Austrians had disliked each other for hundreds of years), Marie Antoinette was one of the most attacked public figures in the history of France. Often, the attacks on her took on a very unwholesome hue. Even before revolutionary fervor took hold of the country, pamphleteers...

  3. Le 19 avril, à Vienne, le mariage a lieu par procuration du dauphin, futur Louis XVI, petit-fils de Louis XV, avec Marie-Antoinette, dernière fille de Marie-Thérèse de Habsbourg. La jeune archiduchesse arrive à Versailles le 16 mai suivant.

  4. Marie-Antoinette 1755-1793. Reine de France et de Navarre 1755-1793. Son frère, l’empereur Joseph II, la décrit comme « aimable et honnête » : Marie-Antoinette, princesse autrichienne et épouse de Louis XVI, demeure l’un des personnages les plus emblématiques de l’histoire de Versailles.

  5. Mariés le 16 mai 1770 dans la chapelle du château de Versailles, Louis XVI et Marie-Antoinette d'Autriche, la sœur de l'empereur Joseph II, montent sur le trône quatre ans plus tard, à la mort de Louis XV, le 10 mai 1774.

  6. The majority of Marie Antoinette's and Louis XVII's biographers believe that the young prince was the biological son of Louis XVI, including Stefan Zweig and Antonia Fraser, who believe that Fersen and Marie Antoinette were indeed romantically involved.