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  1. Hace 13 horas · Aquel día de hace justo 20 años, Federico de Dinamarca pasaba por el altar para casarse con la australiana Mary Donaldson. Dos décadas después, y ya convertidos en reyes, ...

  2. Hace 3 horas · The wedding Mary and Frederik were married at Copenhagen Cathedral on May 14, 2004. ... The bride arrived with her father John Donaldson. As he is of Scottish descent, ...

  3. Hace 13 horas · Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark was spotted wiping tears from his eyes ahead of his wedding ceremony with Mary Donaldson. As Mary made her way down the aisle on the arm of her father ...

  4. Hace 13 horas · GENTE. Mary Donaldson y el príncipe Federico de Dinamarca, el día de su boda el 14 de mayo del 2004 Europa Press. El príncipe apodado como Turbo, y que no quería ser rey, contrajo matrimonio ...

  5. Hace 13 horas · Dos décadas han pasado desde que vimos esta imagen. El heredero al trono danés contraía matrimonio en su Copenhague natal con Mary Donaldson. «Algo encajó», dijo Mary sobre la noche en que se conocieron en una entrevista de 2005. «No fueron los fuegos artificiales en el cielo ni nada parecido, pero había una sensación de emoción». GTRES

  6. Hace 13 horas · Two decades ago, an Australian woman named Mary Donaldson officially became a Danish princess. She was aptly wearing a striking tiara as she uttered the vows that would change the course of Denmark's monarchy forever. This week marks 20 years since the now-Queen Mary and King Frederik tied the knot and became husband and wife in 2004.

  7. Hace 13 horas · This Tuesday marks the 20th wedding anniversary of the royal couple, an occasion that will see them not only reminiscing in private but also stepping out on a grand state visit to Norway, reuniting with old friends and royal counterparts. King Frederik and Queen Mary celebrate 20 years of marriage. The royal couple married on 14 May 2004.