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  1. The Rice Purity Test is a self-graded survey that is used to measure the level of "purity" or innocence of an individual. It was first developed at Rice University in Houston, Texas, in the 1960s and has since been widely adopted by universities across the United States.

  2. El Test de Pureza de Rice es una encuesta de 100 preguntas originado en la Universidad Rice. Es una encuesta autoevaluada que mide el supuesto grado de inocencia de los participantes en asuntos mundanos (sexo, drogas, engaños y otras actividades que se asumen como vicios), generalmente en una escala porcentual donde 0% representa la menor ...

  3. Rice Purity Test. The Rice Purity Test is an anonymous online survey that has been taken by millions of people around the world. It was originally developed by Rice University in 1924 as a way to measure the moral character of incoming freshman students. The test consists of 100 questions that span a variety of topics, such as sexual activity, ...

  4. Rice Purity Test

  5. [Gratis] ¿Cuán puro te consideras? El Test de Pureza Rice, que proviene de una tradición estudiantil de la Universidad de Rice en los años 1930, consta de 100 preguntas profundas para evaluar tu nivel de inocencia. Al realizar este test, descubrirás tu verdadera pureza y te conectarás con un pedazo

  6. This rice purity test will let you know how pure you are. The test consists of 100 questions and the more your positive answers, the lower your purity score. Take the test now to find out your score!

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