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  1. Datos principales. Desarrollo. Por el momento muchos investigadores opinan que ambos (A. robustus y A. boisei) pertenecen a una sola especie con diferencias geográficas, ya que los especímenes de Africa oriental son los denominados boisei. Otros los incluyen en el género Paranthropus.

    • Overview
    • Australopithecus robustus and Australopithecus boisei

    Australopithecus robustus and A. boisei are also referred to as “robust” australopiths. In addition to a well-developed skull crest for the attachment of the temporalis (or temporal muscle, which is used in chewing), other specializations for strong chewing include huge cheek teeth, massive jaws, and powerfully built cheekbones that project forward. These features make the skulls of the robusts look very different from those of modern humans.

    Robert Broom recovered the first specimen of a robust australopith in 1938 from the South African cave site of Kromdraai. He gave it the name Paranthropus robustus and noted its hominin features as well as its exaggerated chewing apparatus. Between 1948 and 1952, similar fossils were unearthed from Swartkrans, South Africa, which proved to be another of the richest sources of early hominins. A third source of P. robustus is the limestone cave of Drimolen, South Africa. All three sites are located within a few kilometres of one another in a valley about 30 km (18 miles) west of Johannesburg. As with the remains of A. africanus, the only method of dating the P. robustus remains is via biostratigraphy, which indicates that P. robustus dates from about 1.8–1.5 mya. Specimens attributed to Homo also occur in the same deposits, but these are much rarer.

    Broom’s choice of the name Paranthropus (meaning “to the side of humans”) reflects his view that this genus was not directly ancestral to later hominins, and it has long been viewed as a distant side branch on the human evolutionary tree. Its specializations for strong chewing certainly make it appear bizarre. The choice of the name robustus referred to its heavily built jaws, teeth, and supporting structures. Its body was relatively petite, however, males weighing about 40 kg (88 pounds) and females about 32 kg (70 pounds). Its brain size is 523 cc, which is both absolutely and relatively larger than that of the earlier South African australopith, A. africanus, with its average brain of 448 cc.

    The 1959 discovery of a nearly complete cranium by Mary Leakey at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, first revealed the presence of a robust australopith in East Africa. The fossil was dated to 1.8 mya, and it was the first African hominin whose age was accurately measured by argon analysis. It shares with its South African cousin the combination of chewing specializations. The Olduvai specimen, sometimes called “Nutcracker Man,” is placed its own species, A. boisei—which dates to 2.3–1.3 mya and has been identified at a number of sites in Kenya and Ethiopia. Because of the greatly exaggerated features related to mastication in A. boisei, it is sometimes referred to as “hyper-robust.” It lived at the same time as species of early Homo, but there is some evidence that Homo and A. boisei preferred different habitats. Despite its enormous chewing apparatus, it had a relatively small body, the males weighing about 49 kg (108 pounds) and females 34 kg (75 pounds). A. robustus and A. boisei fossils are found with mammals that are usually associated with dry grassland habitats. Studies examining carbon isotope ratios found in tooth enamel suggests A. boisei was a grass eater.

    Australopithecus robustus and A. boisei are also referred to as “robust” australopiths. In addition to a well-developed skull crest for the attachment of the temporalis (or temporal muscle, which is used in chewing), other specializations for strong chewing include huge cheek teeth, massive jaws, and powerfully built cheekbones that project forward. These features make the skulls of the robusts look very different from those of modern humans.

    Robert Broom recovered the first specimen of a robust australopith in 1938 from the South African cave site of Kromdraai. He gave it the name Paranthropus robustus and noted its hominin features as well as its exaggerated chewing apparatus. Between 1948 and 1952, similar fossils were unearthed from Swartkrans, South Africa, which proved to be another of the richest sources of early hominins. A third source of P. robustus is the limestone cave of Drimolen, South Africa. All three sites are located within a few kilometres of one another in a valley about 30 km (18 miles) west of Johannesburg. As with the remains of A. africanus, the only method of dating the P. robustus remains is via biostratigraphy, which indicates that P. robustus dates from about 1.8–1.5 mya. Specimens attributed to Homo also occur in the same deposits, but these are much rarer.

    Broom’s choice of the name Paranthropus (meaning “to the side of humans”) reflects his view that this genus was not directly ancestral to later hominins, and it has long been viewed as a distant side branch on the human evolutionary tree. Its specializations for strong chewing certainly make it appear bizarre. The choice of the name robustus referred to its heavily built jaws, teeth, and supporting structures. Its body was relatively petite, however, males weighing about 40 kg (88 pounds) and females about 32 kg (70 pounds). Its brain size is 523 cc, which is both absolutely and relatively larger than that of the earlier South African australopith, A. africanus, with its average brain of 448 cc.

    The 1959 discovery of a nearly complete cranium by Mary Leakey at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, first revealed the presence of a robust australopith in East Africa. The fossil was dated to 1.8 mya, and it was the first African hominin whose age was accurately measured by argon analysis. It shares with its South African cousin the combination of chewing specializations. The Olduvai specimen, sometimes called “Nutcracker Man,” is placed its own species, A. boisei—which dates to 2.3–1.3 mya and has been identified at a number of sites in Kenya and Ethiopia. Because of the greatly exaggerated features related to mastication in A. boisei, it is sometimes referred to as “hyper-robust.” It lived at the same time as species of early Homo, but there is some evidence that Homo and A. boisei preferred different habitats. Despite its enormous chewing apparatus, it had a relatively small body, the males weighing about 49 kg (108 pounds) and females 34 kg (75 pounds). A. robustus and A. boisei fossils are found with mammals that are usually associated with dry grassland habitats. Studies examining carbon isotope ratios found in tooth enamel suggests A. boisei was a grass eater.

  2. 1 de abr. de 2024 · Paranthropus boisei, Paranthropus aethiopicus y Paranthropus robustus son las tres especies conocidas dentro del género Paranthropus. Estas tres especies se conocen colectivamente como robustas porque tienen enormes mandíbulas y molares. Si bien no están clasificadas como parientes directos del H. sapiens, estas especies son primas lejanas.

  3. 17 de feb. de 2022 · El nombre de robustus fue otorgado por la forma de su dentadura, que es de gran tamaño, y por la estructura del cráneo. En los años siguientes fueron descubiertas dos especies que forman parte de la familia de los Paranthropus, las cuales recibieron el nombre de Aethiopicus y Boisei.

  4. Paranthropus boisei es una especie de homínido extinta de África Oriental, que vivió en un entorno seco y se alimentaba de vegetales duros, para lo que desarrolló un potente aparato masticador destinado a triturar semillas y raíces.

  5. En cuanto a su estatura, también había grandes diferencias: el macho mediría alrededor de 1,35 metros (m) y las hembras 1,10 m. La especie Paranthropus robustus sólo ha sido hallada en Sudáfrica, y su especialización parece ser menor que la de su primo el Paranthropus boisei, quizás porque no vivió en ambientes tan secos como aquel.

  6. De la antigua escuela, algunos creen que P. boisei también desciende de Au. africanus y por lo tanto una especie hermana de P. robustus. Las dos especies habrían heredado su base de cráneo flexionada de Au. africanus. Al igual que P. boisei, P. robustus parece ser un callejón sin salida evolutivo.