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  1. Hace 5 días · Seymour Papert's mention of Rosenblatt's perceptron in the book inspired LeCun to explore neural networks. Ironically, Papert, along with Marvin Minsky, had previously contributed to the decline of neural network research in the late '60s and one of the first AI winters .

  2. Hace 3 días · En 1966, Marvin Minsky y Seymour Papert desarrollaron el Perceptrón, un modelo de aprendizaje automático que podía clasificar imágenes. En 1980, John Hopfield y David Rumelhart desarrollaron las redes neuronales artificiales, un tipo de modelo de aprendizaje automático que se inspira en el cerebro humano.

  3. Hace 1 día · Papert developed the LOGO programming language and Turtle robot, which was used to teach young children programming-related concepts and non-programming concepts such as creativity and abstraction. To extend this concept to K-12 and beyond, the MIT Media Lab worked with Seymour Papert to develop the LEGO MINDSTORM series of robots.

  4. Hace 4 días · He referenced how Seymour Papert, the creator of Logo programming language and tools that work with Lego robotics, helped change the perspective on computers. “Papert said, ‘It's a children's machine, children learn by teaching the computer,’” Farber recalled.

  5. Hace 2 días · Pasamos del medio-centrismo al tecno-centrismo. Este último concepto fue utilizado por primera vez por el matemático, científico y educador del MIT, Seymour Papert, argumentando sobre las participaciones y redes construidas a partir de la visión tecnificada que opera en las mentes y entornos de la humanidad.

  6. Hace 2 días · I use -ionism to refer to Seymour Papert’s applied Piagetian pedagogy, seeing as he opposed his classroom constructionism to traditional “instruction ism ” by rote memorization, drills, and the like.)

  7. Hace 1 día · Seymour Papert Hello and thank you for your interest in 3D design and printing. As the founding director of the Magellan International School ’s innovation program and its makerspaces, PrintLab has been an essential part of exploring 3D design and printing with students.

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