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  1. Loango-Angola is the name for the possessions of the Dutch West India Company in contemporary Angola and the Republic of the Congo. Notably, the name refers to the colony that was captured from the Portuguese between 1641 and 1648. Due to the distance between Luanda and Elmina, the capital of the Dutch Gold Coast, a separate administration for ...

  2. 1640s disease outbreaks ‎ (3 P) Categories: Medicine by decade. 17th century in medicine. 1640s in health. 1640s in biology. Hidden categories: Category series navigation decade and century. CatAutoTOC generates no TOC.

  3. September - Royal army occupies Tortosa. December 8 - a large Royal army under Pedro Fajardo de Zúñiga y Requesens headed for Barcelona, passing through Cambrils. December 13–16 - Catalan Revolt: Battle of Cambrils. Catalan rebels massacred by Royal army after surrender. December 24 - Royal army takes Tarragona.

  4. R. Rembrandt (1936 film) Rembrandt (1940 film) Rembrandt (1942 film) Rembrandt (1999 film) A Royal Demand. The Royal Oak (film)

  5. La Melancolía se describió como una enfermedad con determinados síntomas mentales y físicos en los siglos V y IV a. C. Hipócrates, en sus Aforismos, caracterizó todos los "miedos y desalientos, si duraban mucho tiempo" como síntomas de la melancolía. 7 Cuando un paciente no podía ser curado de la enfermedad, se pensaba que la ...

  6. Muggletonianism. The Muggletonians, named after Lodowicke Muggleton, were a small Protestant Christian movement which began in 1651 when two London tailors announced they were the last prophets foretold in the biblical Book of Revelation. The group grew out of the Ranters and in opposition to the Quakers.

  7. Reino de Hungría (en húngaro: Magyar Királyság) es el nombre oficial que recibió el estado húngaro entre 1920 y 1946 hasta que, tras la derrota en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, se transformó en la Segunda República Húngara. A pesar de ser un reino, no tuvo rey, sino regente, el antiguo almirante austrohúngaro Miklós Horthy.