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  1. › wiki › JuneteenthJuneteenth - Wikipedia

    Hace 1 día · Juneteenth is a federal holiday in the United States. For decades, activists and congress members (led by many African Americans) proposed legislation, advocated for, and built support for state and national observances. During his campaign for president in June 2020, Joe Biden publicly celebrated the holiday. [122]

  2. Hace 1 día · The Constitution of 3 May 1791, [1] [a] titled the Governance Act, [b] was a constitution adopted by the Great Sejm ("Four-Year Sejm", meeting in 1788–1792) for the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, a dual monarchy comprising the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The Constitution was designed to correct the ...

  3. Hace 1 día · Un incident dramatic a avut loc, pe 18 aprilie 1930, la biserica din satul Costești, județul Argeș, acolo unde sute de oameni, majoritatea copii, au ars de vii în interiorul lăcașului de cult. Era seara de Prohod, în Vinerea Mare, iar locuitorii din sat s-au adunat la biserica de lemn din localitate, însă pentru mulți dintre aceștia avea să fie ultima zi din viața lor.